1200 amp service

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Senior Member
I just got a quote back from the supply house for a 1200 amp main breaker panel with feed through lugs to a second panel for more breaker space, with breakers it comes to $5600.00, there has got to be a less expensive way to set up a 1200 amp service. I am looking for some alternate suggestions, thanks....
this is a tanning salon with 2- 3pole 50 amp, 19- 3 pole 40 amp, 2-2 pole 30 amp and then some 20 amp circuits, 5 for lights and various general purpose circuits with no real load on them.
How about a main switchgear with six 200a 3p breakers, each feeding a 200a panel conveniently located nearer the loads?
3 400's would work . It will be CT or primary metered so it's mostly up to you how to lay out the panels and the feeders any way, right? I did a laundry mat not to long ago and went with 6 200's. I set a CT cabinet with a 12"x 12" wireway feeding 4 200 amp 3/R main breakers feeding MLO panels inside and 2 200 amp 3/R main breaker panels outside. The outside panels handled the condensing units and site lighting. The 4 indoor panel handled the washers, dryers and general purpose circuits. This worked well because the Condensers were right next to the service and I used breaker locks instead of disconnects for each one.
I just got a quote back from the supply house for a 1200 amp main breaker panel with feed through lugs to a second panel for more breaker space, with breakers it comes to $5600.00, there has got to be a less expensive way to set up a 1200 amp service. I am looking for some alternate suggestions, thanks....

I wonder if these supply houses figure that you should be able to pop your commercial customers for lots of bucks.

I can get 4 single meter sockets at 100 amps a pop for $200 bucks or so. But for some reason I asked my supply house for a 4 gang meter socket and they want $2100.

I'm sure it took less materials, but possibly more machinery to construct them...but I still felt like they assumed I was doing some commercial work and therefore they could get more money for the part.
I can get 4 single meter sockets at 100 amps a pop for $200 bucks or so. But for some reason I asked my supply house for a 4 gang meter socket and they want $2100.
The more I read stuff like that, the more I appreciate the POCO here for supplying meters free.
Wouldn't six 200 amp main breaker panels, a section of trough and the other accessories you would need be under $1000?

Just a thought. :)
Wouldn't six 200 amp main breaker panels, a section of trough and the other accessories you would need be under $1000?

Just a thought. :)

how would you feed it? single conductors or parallel? and what method of changing wire size would you use, split bolts, polaris, other? I havent ever done a set up this large like this.
Larry, generally we charge the customer for the meter sockets we buy ......... we might even mark them up. :cool:
SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I don't tell my customers that:grin:
Well, I do charge for the time to pick the meter base up from the local POCO office, as well as the labor to install it.

I guess you could say I get a mark-up on a zero-cost (to me) item. :cool:
how would you feed it? single conductors or parallel? and what method of changing wire size would you use, split bolts, polaris, other? I havent ever done a set up this large like this.

Off the top of my head 3 sets of 600 copper into a trough, Blackburn makes a ten port insulated lug that would allow the 3 600s and six single 4/0s to connected together for each phase.

By the way,the 'main' service conductors in this setup only have to be large enough to carry the calculated load, they do not have to be rated the full 1200 amps.
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