As it seems to be
'Kick an EE day' , i'd like to get my licks in too....
From the forum rules....>>>>
This site is designed for:
Other electrically related individuals
This NEC� Forum is for those in the electrical and related industries.
A~ there's a huge dif being
primarily NEC vs.
exclusively NEC .
Yet i see this site does allow
'electrical and related' industry to speak here.
This insinuates a broad spectrum , meaning that outside the NEC
B~'Instructors' , meaning people who do no physical electrical work . Some may have not done any for decades
noted is no qualifier exists for the term here
C~ 'Inspectors', also meaning those who do not physical electrical work, merely providing bureaucratic oversight.
Noted no qualifier exists here as well
D~'EE's', our
neck up contingent , who's existence is thinking out the physical work we do.
Assumed some academics are prerequisite , along with pertinent orgs like the IEEE, even if some may hail from the U of Mars...
E~ 'Electricians', note there doesn't seem to be any qualifier here either
Yet these are considered the sorts who DO engage in the physical work of our trade.
Many of them have little more responsibility than a monkey see, monkey do existence
F~'Contractors' now HERE's an entity i can relate to.
Having to daily parlay
all the above list of ninnies into a $$$ isn't for the weak
You may say your a tradesman , an electrician, or any of the above
But you can't say they effect your rice bowl until you're an EC
Thanks for playing...