crossman said:
Please pay attention to my point....
The reason i said it is this: I can just see some hOmE InsPecToR or MulTi-CraFt InsPeCtOr telling an EC that it is against code to tie into the rebar because of "that rebar is too short" or "that rebar isn't in the bootom of the footing"?or whatever.
You either have a keyboard problem/twitch/or your passionate about the topic, (I think it?s the latter, and we share this passion)
Around here in the mid 70?s we would tie our GEC onto a rebar stubbed out of footing where the concrete/GC?s framer guy felt it should stub, this was rarely questioned to the electrician for location. Previous to this we usually installed driven rods, water pipe was rarely the electrode choice especially around this time. So the concrete/GC?s framer guy began installing electrical (the electrode), they hated it but began to accept it (I hated it as well and still do).
This evolved to the mid 80?s and our inspection department began enforcing their interpretation of a CEE; they would fail a CEE that was not specifically 20? ?at or near the bottom? this meant most cases because again they were stubbing up a 20?er so maybe only 17?+/- was ?at or near the bottom?. You see this local inspection department did not interpret the CEE to allow wire tie splicing. I thought this was anal but soon embraced it; again I don?t want others doing my work.
My jobs (and eventually my company) began installing our own CEE?s from the late 80?s on, this was good we?re now installing what IS our responsibility ?
the electrode. We choose to use the #4 cu as
the electrode and not the rebar, so we can care less what the concrete/GC?s framer guy does because our #4 will be compliant to 250.52(A)(3), we do attach it to the footing steel but this is really bonding and electrode system. We also stub out enough to terminate at the ground bus of the service disconnect, so we do not even have a GEC at this place in time unless the stub is too short or service disconnect moves. If this happens we can splice (accessibly) and this splice will be the beginning of our GEC rather than down in the concrete,
because our #4 coming out of the concrete IS the electrode.
You see the structural guy sees the rebar as structural that may be an electrode, and if the electrician chooses to use the rebar the electrician sees it as the electrode that may be structural. We have a different emphasis and appropriately so.
I can see how the fact that 250.52(A)(3)?s (incomplete) first sentence is devoid of how the 20? of steel can be achieved so I agree one can understand it to mean wire tying is okay especially after reading the last sentence. With this line of reasoning the #4 may be able to be wire tied but the last sentence probably nullifies this thought? Interesting, the steel ? electrode - can be wire tied but the GEC must connect, you?d think with you?re choice they (not you) would have to use approved connectors? Unless of course your installing the rebar to meet the remaining two elements of a steel CEE.
You see our choice of using the #4 cu electrode still affords us to bond the other electrodes as a system and we do, we just can care less what the footing steel is or is doing!
I think those of you who choose to delegate the electrode installation to a non-skilled craft should also be prepared to use another type of electrode, with steel prices you may see steel less than ??, or fiberglass, or some other non-conductive structure for the concrete used.
How much #4 cu do you use for your GEC when you tie onto a steel CEE?
I average 30? and can care less what the footing steel does!