I believe you are still arguing to require ground rods never to be connected to the GEC with a grounding electrode bonding conductor.
250.64 Grounding Electrode Conductor Installation.(F) Installation to Electrode(s). Grounding electrode conductor(s) and bonding jumpers interconnecting grounding electrodes shall be installed in accordance with (1), (2), or (3). The grounding electrode conductor shall be sized for the largest grounding electrode conductor required among all the electrodes connected to it.
Lets try this one last time.
When the Authority as defined in the NEC reviews construction documents or makes a site visit for the inspection, is looking for every grounding electrode listed in 250.52 (A)(1) through (A) (7) all present grounding electrodes in that list are to be included as required grounding electrodes period.
(1) Grounding electrode system electrode connection: 250.64 Grounding Electrode Conductor Installation has a mandatory rule of how grounding electrode conductor must be connected when connecting that conductor to the portion of the grounding electrodes that are present, that where bonded together, to build a grounding electrode system.
(2)Grounding electrode individually connected : 250.64 Grounding Electrode Conductor Installation has a mandatory rule of how a grounding electrode conductor must be connected when connecting that conductor to the portion of the grounding electrodes, that are present, and are not bonded, to any other grounding electrode, or any grounding electrode bonding jumper
If number 2 is the only mandated choice that you use, you duplicate that choice for all electrodes that are present listed in 250.50 (A) (1) through (A) (7)
(3) Grounding electrode bonding jumper connection: 250.64 Grounding Electrode Conductor Installation has a mandatory rule of how grounding electrodes, that is present, and are connected to a grounding electrode(s) conductor by there bonding jumper (s) .
If ground rods are on this site or are required to be on this site with or without any metal water system grounding electrode present than they are present period.
After the grounding electrode system is built, and there are no other grounding electrodes present, in addition to the water system grounding electrode, the NEC stipulates that you need an electrode in addition to the grounding electrode system to supplement the water system grounding electrode.
250.53 (D) (2) and 250.53 (E) conductor size :The “additional” supplemental electrode is not part of the grounding electrode system and the grounding electrode( s) system rules do not apply to it. The connection rules to the electrical systems grounded conductor or metal systems bonded to the neutral / grounded conductor are located with in this section of the code
(2) Supplemental Electrode Required. A metal underground water pipe shall be supplemented by an additional electrode of a type specified in 250.52(A)(2) through (A)(8). Where the supplemental electrode is a rod, pipe, or plate type, it shall comply with 250.56. The supplemental electrode shall be permitted to be bonded to the grounding electrode conductor, the grounded service-entrance conductor, the nonflexible grounded service raceway, or any grounded service enclosure.
Exception: The supplemental electrode shall be permitted to be bonded to the interior metal water piping at any convenient point as covered in 250.52(A)(1), Exception.