Lawsuits are rarely about right and wrong. It's about who can be made to pay the most with the least amount of effort.
Again back to scare tactics.
Contractors shouldn't be under the delusion that following the law will protect them from being sued. The system is not designed to protect the little guy.
Anyone can sue anyone for anything at all, that is not in question. Being successful in the suit is another story and while you keep saying we can be sued for not following unadopted codes you have yet to provide any instance of that happening.
Not true. It's information.
Yes, intentionally scary information without a shred of back up except your word on it.
Is telling someone that working on live equipment is dangerous a scare tactic?
As was pointed out there are thousands of incidents that prove working live is dangerous. You have yet to show us one case of an EC successfully being sued for not following unadopted NEC code sections.
99% of the questions on this Forum are code-based. Probably less than 1% are business oriented and even less are with regard to laws and rules. We don't spend enough time understand the laws and rules that determine our success and failures.
It is primarily a code forum so no surprise that the questions tend to run that way.
I instruct courses on ethics, laws & rules and contractor & inspector liability. Some of the stuff is scary, be it not likely or a worst case scenario.
So that being the case you must have the info at your fingertips about ECs being successfully sued for not following unadopted NEC code sections. Please share it.
So I can't possibly have anything else to offer this Forum? Now that is silly. NEMA is a resource for the electrical industry at-large.
That is a strawman argument, I never said any such thing or insinuated that.
I simply stated your posts can not be critical of NEMA or the manufacturers or their products because you are their paid employee. You have a lot to offer us here, you have a great deal of code knowlegd and other information that is of use to many of us.
None of that changes the fact you are on a leash.
And much like the NFPA, the NRTLs, NECA, IAEI and other industry advocates, many of the projects and activities we undertake do not have direct returns for our members and clients.
Just like any business, not everything an electrical contractor does has direct returns but everything is done for the benefit of the company. I am not saying they is anything wrong with that, that is business. But please don't spin it that it was done for the good of the people.
90% of NEMA standards are FREE to anyone. Every White Paper and Engineering Bulletin (150+) are FREE to anyone. Code Alerts, ei Magazine, NEMA Currents, NEMACasts, ESFI literature, Field Rep education and training, ALL FREE TO ANYONE.
That is great, I have some on my PC now, but again those are all decisions made ultimately for the long term the benefit of NEMA. Again, nothing wrong with that, but it is true.
What a diabolical and devious mission!
Again, another strawman argument, that is not what I said at all.
I was simply pointing out that you are employed by an organization mission is the sale of electrical products and again I see nothing wrong with that. But it does mean you cannot be critical of NEMA or any of its members if you wish to retain your position.
Without NEMA, the electrical industry would be half the size and strength it is today. The products you buy would cost twice as much and there would be no standardizing of those products.
I do not have any problem with NEMA or what it does. But as employee of NEMA you could not say something bad about it or its members products here on a public forum.
When I look back and read some of the statements you guys make about our industry, it appears you guys are not for a free and open market,
Funny, I think that is exactly what most of us want, we simply do not want to have product crammed down our throat without proof it is worth the money and trouble it causes.
Not I.
you despise the success of others,
No, I despise people who insist bragging about their success.
you distrust anyone that doesn't have exactly your same beliefs,
No, I distrust words coming from any paid spokesperson.
you have set your mind on many aspects of our industry and refuse any new information
Please provide some new information proving the effectiveness of AFCIs or new information about these lawsuits that ECs face for not going beyond the adopted NEC codes. A number forum members have asked for that.
No one is stopping you from expressing your views but you seem to feel you should be able to express your views without being questioned about them. That is not how a forum works, I think you have a forum confused with a blog.
your all pretty miserable acting and kind-of whinny.
Because we disagree with things you say.
So not only are we uneducated (you explained in previous threads how AFCI troubles are simply installer issues that training will fix) we are whinny as well.
You think highly of your fellow trade members. :roll:
Don't try to run me off because you haven't figured out how to use me and NEMA as a resource like many others have on this Forum and throughout the industry.
And a third strawman argument, I have no desire or ability to 'run you off'.