Back in 60's thru 1980's did a lot of Minuteman and Peacekeeper missile silo wiring. Only written requirement was compliance with NEC as a minimum. However, never saw aluminum used, an unwritten rule. All engineering designs went thru critical design reviews, everything in rigid conduit due to nuclear shock requirements. No one ever even suggested using aluminum to the best of my recollection. Another IIRC, any termination over 12 AWG was hydraulic crimp lug.
Obviously on aircraft aluminum on larger conductors aluminum is the obvious choice for the weight, but terminations always copalum or similar high pressure crimps.
As far as discussion with the base regarding their copper only policy, can we ask which base? Some of the system reliability needs are such that even the hint of a power connection that can degrade with time (aluminum cold flow?) is anathema to system reliability folks.
My most recent military base work was Shriver AFB outside Col. Springs, saw NO aluminum wire there, GMD building very concerned with reliability, full itme UPS for entire buildings. Copper and alum data shows higher reliability for copper. Anytime a circuit breaker tripped, there was a full review of WHY it tripped, sometimes involving more than 4 or 5 meetings and reviews. Even though electricians working on site had top secret clearances, still corp of eng folks had worries about posibility inferior workmanship on an aluminum termination.