Another show of hands

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Another show of hands

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ryan_618 said:
curing polio was a bad thing, since people with polio deserve to be crippled, right?

I'm still on the fence regarding the tamper proof receptacle issue, but just thought I'd point out that the polio epidemic was actually caused by our modern efforts to insulate ourselves from coming into cantact with dangers around us. The polio virus has been around for a long long time. In the past, children came into contact with it at an early age while they had some immunity to it transfered to them through their mother's milk. This enabled them to develope their own immunity to it. Then when we got so good at protecting ourselves from our natural environment people began to encounter the virus for the first time later in their lives when they had no imunity to it.
ryan_618 said:
How many people here THAT HAVE CHILDREN hav ever bought the plastic inserts that go into the receptacles to protect children?
1 house, plastic receptacle guards on all outlets. I have a 2 1/2 year old--he's EXTREMELY interested in sticking things in outlets!
ryan_618 said:
Here is something that was written over 2,000 years ago.

This was written by a man named Socrates, who most people would agree was above average in the "smarts" department. When I read a post like: "no wonder we are raising a generation of idiots", it makes me laugh. Your parents generation said the same thing about you... I'll bet they also said knob and tube is the safest thing ever, and that curing polio was a bad thing, since people with polio deserve to be crippled, right?

Very true, Ryan. Every generation thinks they are the best thing to ever come down the pike. They know so much more than those that came before and those that are coming behind them can never fill their shoes. But those shoes always get filled.

I remember when rock & roll and I were both young and my old man telling it would never last.:grin: Shows what he knew.

To those who think we are raising a generation of "idiots", just remember those "idiots" will be laughing at the way our generation did electrical work because I guarantee they will be doing it better and more efficiently than we are.
No kids, so no vote, and have never bought them.

Had my parents used them, there is a very good chance that I might not be working in the electrical industry. At around 8 years old, I stuck a nail in one side of a recpt., nothing happened. Stuck the nail in the other side and I saw a kaleidoscope in front of my eyes. The next days I was in the library reading about what happened to me. Been reading and learning about it, since.
Wow, my folks never put those in the outlets. First time I saw one I used the prong on the plug to pop it out. Works great. This was pre-kindergarten so I don't know when I learned that trick.

BTW, those little plastic things are not child-proof inserts. They are used to prevent air infiltration in poorly sealed houses. My elder child was popping those things out before he started walking. My wife bought a bunch and discovered their uselessness in the same day.
76nemo said:
<snip>I have never spanked my daughters. Well, just one slap on the hand. Aspen decided to play pokey with a recep when she was around eight months. I did what I thought was best. It did do the trick. I don't know if I would have rather been personally zapped, or slap her hand, but it seemed to have worked. Never happened again;)

Bought 'em and installed 'em. When my daughter learned to walk, she also learned how to pull them back out (along with opening child-proof medicine containers for her grandmother and pulling all the lttle rubber bumpers off every doorstop in the house.)

First time she pulled one out I warned her that was very dangerous - the second time she got a swat on her heavily padded, diaper-clad bottom. Her response: "that didn't hurt". Then she calmly placed her hand palm down directly over the receptacle. SWAT! New response: "you can't make me cry." By now my wife is crying because she's about to explode trying to keep from laughing out loud. That was the first, second and last times I swatted Cathy. At that point I realized she was so stubborn there was no way I could win this exchange. And I certainly wasn't going to hit her hard enough to faze her. On the other hand, she never touched the receptacles again.

Now she's 26, married and my best friend.
3 kids and a whole lot of child proof everythings but nothing seems to keep them from hurting themselves so i mostly just let them learn the hard way now
electricmanscott said:
If it were an insult than you are right no need to be insulting. It was not.

I think if we start another poll :wink: we'd find that what you described is highly unusual for the average child. Even more so now that I know the ages.
Gee I wonder how me my brother, cousins, friends all made it w/o the plastic guards? I guess we were all lucky. Or just listened to our parents. Why dont you try talking to your kids, you might be surprised. You must be a democrate or liberal, not that there is anything wrong with that!
tonyou812 said:
Gee I wonder how me my brother, cousins, friends all made it w/o the plastic guards? I guess we were all lucky. Or just listened to our parents. Why dont you try talking to your kids, you might be surprised. You must be a democrate or liberal, not that there is anything wrong with that!

Tony why do we put cover plates on devices, we could just tell everyone 'Don't touch'?
AAAAAHHHHHHH yes only in America can we argue about plastic covers on recepts to save our childeren but when they turn 18 in many states they can go buy a gun
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tonyou812 said:
AAAAAHHHHHHH yes only in America can we argue about plastic covers on recepts to save our childeren but when they turn 18 in many states they can go buy a gun.

Interesting comparison. :roll:

How many toddlers are killed or injured by playing with guns? How many are injured by sticking things into receptacles? Is the NEC concerned with gun safety? ;)

But anyway, people have their minds made up on this issue. Either you keep complaining about it or you deal with it, cause these new rules aren't going away any time soon. :D
peter d said:
Interesting comparison. :roll:

How many toddlers are killed or injured by playing with guns? How many are injured by sticking things into receptacles? Is the NEC concerned with gun safety? ;)

But anyway, people have their minds made up on this issue. Either you keep complaining about it or you deal with it, cause these new rules aren't going away any time soon. :D
Well there you have it maybe we should have the folks at the NEC write our gun legislation!! Then maybe some real safety issues will get done
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