Even though I am in agreement with a "FORM" I bet it would hold little value if someone were killed because of blatantly dangerous situation that a professional failed to correct. I am not advocating this I am just making a poin that I think lawyers and legal course is so crazy sometimes that even innocent peopl get burned. I could hear it now.....
"Well the professional should have know how dangerous this was and therfor shoudl not have been satasified with just a form"
I dont have a better method I am just saying I dont think a form is wacko lawyer proof. I guess thats why we have insurance.... to make lawyers rich.
Nothing is legally bullet-proof. And I never claimed it to be.
Truth be known, any lawyer worth his/her salt would sue you just because you knew about the problem.
Here ya go:
Now everyone on this forum is legally liable because they didn't do what a professional electrician is required to do.............fix it and make it safe!