At what point would you become un-glued?

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I am a PM for a fairly large company and the GC will provide a safe work place and environment for my employees or I'll be the one to write letters and notify OSHA if need be.

If anyone goes home it will be logged that it is due to unsafe conditions and we will go from there.

With that said, I'll reiterate Bob's earlier post, let's keep it toned down.

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I am a PM for a fairly large company and the GC will provide a safe work place and enviroment for my employees or I'll be the one the write letters and notify OSHA if need be.

If anyone goes home it will be logged that it is due to unsafe conditions and we will go from there.


Pretty much the same here, our PM would notify our company safety compliance man and he would take care of it. Pulling the guys off the job would certainly be a possibility.
The irony can not be missed............. Actually you are my hero K8MHZ.

Wait until you need me to wire up your welder without flicking someone into the afterlife and somehow, someway (I know that's a huge stretch of the imagination) you trust me and know I will do it properly and safely before you call me a hero.

Just don't call me late for supper.
Back to the OP:

K2X I will be happy to call your employer on Monday to relay your grievances.

Well I was hoping he would stop by here and participate. You could probably send him a pm which i plan to do at some point because I think this discussion is important. My interest is in the opinions of the other members here.
Well I was hoping he would stop by here and participate. You could probably send him a pm which i plan to do at some point because I think this discussion is important. My interest is in the opinions of the other members here.

I will call him on Monday. Just tell me who he is by PM.
It appears the roof wasn't completed because of unsafe conditions do to snow . I guess the roofing contractor pulled off so it appears that they began to do the interior work because of time line this can be a big risk of liability to the contractor ( injury to employees and damaged to the product being installed) as a sub contractor do you have the same risk by agreeing to work in these conditions? It may work out the project gets completed and most times it does even under poor management . Basically and sadly the dollar drives this situation it has know conscience no emotion just profit .
And should milehi help you in your quest to become gainfully unemployed, maybe you will have time to get back into ham radio again.

73 OM de K8MHZ


Great idea. I could study for my J-mans test and take up some of my old hobbies again. I was supposed to fiddle at the midwinter festival in Denver this weekend too but I have to study. Really, who has time for work?? Thanks for the input. 73's K2eoj..
Great idea. I could study for my J-mans test and take up some of my old hobbies again. I was supposed to fiddle at the midwinter festival in Denver this weekend too but I have to study. Really, who has time for work?? Thanks for the input. 73's K2eoj..

Musician too?

I have a Les Paul Anniversary made here in Michigan back in 1978.

But I am beyond rusty.

The theory and application of the journeypersons test is very similar to that in which you have already conquered as a General Class radio operator.

The one HUGE difference is the good book of journeymen, the NEC, is 1000 pages of Sanskrit, while the good book of amateur radio, CFR 47 Part 97 is only 62 pages long written mostly in English. We (hams) do get honorable mention in the NEC in chapter 800, however.

The test is one thing. Some people are just good at taking tests. In Michigan we also have legally documented qualifying hours. 8,000 just to sit for the journeyman test.

Also you may want to make sure your termination is not 'for cause'. A call to any attorney that is a ham will enlighten you.

73 and maybe we will catch you on the air sometime.
Well, as i mentioned I was a superintendent and for under a hundred bucks I would have had all the trades on dry clean floors for the last few weeks. Safety is not expensive. For six or seven hundred I'd have them in heat too.
Sadly, this is how stat's are made. We all know the danger and yet some will always choose to ignore.

I have put up miles of pipe in concrete structures that were snowed upon and leaked water for days on end when it warmed up.

Wear a hard hat and some rain/cold weather gear and go to work.

Is that "unsafe"? Or, is it just uncomfortable?

Wish I knew how to insert my bass line here.
This is where having a camera and a log book will pay off.

Document the conversations, take plenty of pictures, and use 'em as ammo when the job is done and the GC tries to backcharge you.

Use a marble composition book as it will hold up in court as opposed to a binder or spiral type. No ringed or spiral books hold up in court as they can be altered. This is true as far as I have been taught.
Use a marble composition book as it will hold up in court as opposed to a binder or spiral type. No ringed or spiral books hold up in court as they can be altered. This is true as far as I have been taught.
Nothing "written" could "Hold up" so to speak...
  1. A written log it is a written opinion of the writer - while timestamps on pictures can be manipulated too - they are pictures... Which can also be manipulated...
  2. Even if a bound book - you could leave blank space to add stuff later. and with some care - removed as well.
  3. It matters not how or what you document the site conditions with - one persons documentation has little weight against collective testimony of everyone on site - collected by an Accident Investigator from your local DOSH - everything else is superfluous
BACK on topic with the OP - if you feel it warrants - call... Or simply talk to your boss...
I have put up miles of pipe in concrete structures that were snowed upon and leaked water for days on end when it warmed up.

Wear a hard hat and some rain/cold weather gear and go to work.

Is that "unsafe"? Or, is it just uncomfortable?

Wish I knew how to insert my bass line here.

Go to your profile and click on add signiture.
I'm an apprentice electrician now but in a former life I was a GC and superintendent.

Soo two weeks ago we go to start the electrical on a 10,000 ft retail parts store and the roof decking is only about half on but the super wants the lights hung, so a couple of guys start the service and a couple of guys start hanging fluorescent strips from the bar joists. Well there is snow on the metal roof decking and by 2 o'clock it is like raining inside now with icicles on the fixtures, ice on the lifts, and ice on the floors and all the trash from the other trades frozen to the floor. So we're kinda on and off there for the next week but no attempt has been made to remove the ice from the floor. So we're driving over ice, some new snow, and trash, slipping around on the lifts, chewing up the tires on the lift, etc etc. By afternoon the ice is just starting to melt a little on the top making it extra slick. Well so the last two days I'm trying to lay out the more complicated lighting where the fixtures hang at angles over shelf areas etc and of course I can't snap any lines on the icy floor and I can't get my laser to sit level on the floor without chipping out a spot for it. Then yesterday afternoon the young apprentice is carrying a bundle of pipe and slips on the floor and is limping worse and worse for the rest of the afternoon. I suspect he won't be working for at least a few days next week, maybe longer.

In my day a GC was responsible for removing ice snow, and trash from the interior of a building so the trades could do their job.

I was known to pop my cork occasionally but now that I'm older I try not to do that. Giving the the above circumstances do you think coming unglued would be justified?? I really don't want to make trouble for my boss.

If you are an apprentice , be glad you have work!
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