Bandsaw to cut large wire?

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It is a measure, but it is more problematic to call it a "unit". The problem is that it does not have any consistent dimensionality.

There would be a similar problem if instead of describing the color of monochromatic light in terms of its frequency in Hz or its wavelength (in Angstoms or mm), you chose to describe it by a number representing its position in the rainbow starting from red = 0 and going to violet = 6.
A descriptor, but not really a unit.

Good point. Other examples are the decibel scale for amplifier gain and sound intensity, the phon scale for sound loudness, the scale of music notes and octave number, and the pH scale for acid/bases.

All examples of non-linear scales based on a corresponding real world unit, which are set up the way that they are to better coincide with our experience of the concept in question. Human hearing is logarithmic, as something that sounds incrementally louder is actually multiplicatively more intense in terms of power per unit area. And an interval of tones that sounds incrementally higher in pitch, is actually multiplicatively higher in frequency.
All examples of non-linear scales based on a corresponding real world unit, which are set up the way that they are to better coincide with our experience of the concept in question. Human hearing is logarithmic, as something that sounds incrementally louder is actually multiplicatively more intense in terms of power per unit area.
Yes, but it's also so that graphical representations of those concepts are possible. I remember on an exam plotting what I thought would be a linear function which turned out to be exponential. I didn't have the time to tear it up and start over, so I drew an arrow pointing in the direction of my next data point with a note that said something like "10.38 meters that way". I don't know if I got credit or not. :D
There's no formula involved with AWG.

12AWG is 12AWG.

DIA. =.005"·92((36-AWG)/39)

It's no different than 16mm² is 16mm².
Except that 16mm² directly gives you a physical dimension.

16mm² ...other than being slightly ?? more complex? A formula is required to determine the diameter of a round area no matter what the unit of measure is.
But why would you want the diameter anyway? It is cross sectional area that determines current carrying capacity.

And the sizes go up roughly in a geometric series by a factor of around 1.5 for the next size up.
Yes, but you said when you hear kW with respect to a motor, it is the mechanical output... not the kW input... nor the kWh input that you pay for to run that motor...

...and I believe there'll be some math involved to get from kW output to kWh input that you pay for. :happyyes:
Not very complicated. Either you know the efficiency or can make a stab at it. Low 90s to mid 90s for all the motors I've dealt with. So you'd be within a few percent. For HP you'd still need that plus the conversion from HP to kW.
12 what?? you ask? Really, you are just arguing for the sake of arguing now. You could be me!:p

12 on my Brown & Sharp American Standard Sheet and Wire Gauge!

That is the measuring tool of my choice. No need to buy a metric dial caliper to see size of wire.

No, of course I do not carry a B & S wire gauge on the job, but I do have several pairs of wire strippers, which I can use to see what wire size I have. That is if I even need to check a wire size, since I can tell 8 awg from 10 awg from 12 awg from 14 awg since I use them all the time.

These standards came from a time when most people did not own accurate measuring devices. So saying you can measure the diameter of the wire (I want to see you actually measure the area of the wire with a tool!) with a dial caliper, if one is used to metric wire size, is a new ability, not one we had in the field 40 years ago, much less in 1855 when the standard was made. Sure, easy to do now, Harbor Freight has digital ones for under $10. Inch and MM scales. Of course the battery will be dead when you need to use them!:D

I still do not understand vehicle engine rated in kW.:?

I will go along with electric motors rated in kW when I can actually buy one from W.W. Grainger or a local supply house that way. Until then, I use the standard horsepower.

Now where did I put that Whitworth spanner set? :lol:
Why not? It is the common measure measure of power.

Standard for you perhaps. But not the rest of the world. Except maybe Myanmar.
You know, as long as the transmitter and receiver of the information agree on units and terms it matters not if the rest of the world understands what they are saying.
Shotgun bores are the number of lead balls the bore size that equal 1lb. which is 454g.
For 12 gauge and 20 gauge that makes sense, but where does a .410 gauge fit in that continuum? I think maybe it just means .410 inches in diameter.
You know, as long as the transmitter and receiver of the information agree on units and terms it matters not if the rest of the world understands what they are saying.
But, for me, the chief merit of the SI is the simplicity and the way the units wirk together.
I was taught Imperial, CGS, MKS, and SI.
I've been blessed and cursed with a reasonably good memory, I know that an acre is 4840 square yards and I can picture what a 50 acre field looks like. But, for simplicity in calculations, SI is the way to go.
For 12 gauge and 20 gauge that makes sense, but where does a .410 gauge fit in that continuum? I think maybe it just means .410 inches in diameter.

Yes, 410 is .410" ID barrel size, which I think is smaller than 20ga but bigger than 28?. But for 28, 20, 16, 12, 10 and 8ga weapons, it works. Imagine shooting a punt gun with a 2ga bore. :happyno:
But it is obviously inconvenient to have to produce two versions of the same car.

What is the logical reason your country is holding onto this?
Other countries do too.
I suppose the obvious point is why change?
What would it achieve?
And then there is the cost. All the signs would have to be changed, motorway entry and exit slip roads would have to be reconfigured, roundabouts..........
Do you know about the Magic Roundabout in Hemel Hempstead? Can you imagine wat a nightmare it would be to reverse that?
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