Bats in the belfry

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iwire said:
Doesn't the building department have an issue with a door that opens to nowhere?
All doors open to somewhere.
This one opens into thin air.

I'm a poet but don't know it.
FPL supply HV only?

FPL supply HV only?

Is this building owned room and transformers? Any pictures of where new conduit run goes to,both ends?
chris kennedy said:
.....Look at the top left of the second pic. See the 3 pigeons?

Ignorance is bliss....I'm not quite sure who's in bliss, POCO or pigeons. :roll:

....and what's with the lightning bolt shooting across pic two. You didn't get hurt did you? :)
iwire said:
Doesn't the building department have an issue with a door that opens to nowhere?

Where's the landing, the stairs etc.?:-?

So if there's an arc blast or impending transformer failure in that room and you need to exit fast, watch out for that first step....

Stupid place for transformers, and what about the weight load on the joists? Those pole pigs aren't exactly lightweight.
scrooge said:
Is this building owned room and transformers? Any pictures of where new conduit run goes to,both ends?
Customer owns the doors. POCO owns the trannys. Conduits go to electric room right under vault into the top of this old Bulldog disco.

View attachment 1687

mxslick said:
Stupid place for transformers, and what about the weight load on the joists? Those pole pigs aren't exactly lightweight.
Floor is poured concrete.

Still no lock on the doors.


New conduit run on picture #8 going to small wires on line side? Top of fuse 3 getting hot. Think there might be a reason there is no access to this electrical room. How does FPL supply get to building?
chris kennedy said:
Customer owns the doors. POCO owns the trannys. Conduits go to electric room right under vault into the top of this old Bulldog disco.

View attachment 1687

Floor is poured concrete.

Still no lock on the doors.

Is that the service disconnect?

Look at that corrosion on the conduits entering the disconnect.

Edit...the corrosion on the box I should say.
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My bad...

My bad...

Chris, thanks for the info on the floor.....after I did my post I looked at the pic again and realized it was concrete..oops.

Now as for the disconnect, yikes!! This makes the tranny room look pristine!!

I love all the taps off each lug, and the top third from the left fuse clip shows signs of severe overheating....

And Bulldog..I've seen those disco's explode when operating them too. :(
scrooge said:
Top of fuse 3 getting hot.
Which is probably why both of the paralleled fuses have been replaced. First one overheats and opens, total load falls on second, pop!
scrooge said:
New conduit run on picture #8 going to small wires on line side?
No, I ran that and it goes to a different disco. Disco in the pic feeds a line gutter before the meters.

How does FPL supply get to building?
Underground then up inside the CBS wall.

mxslick said:
And Bulldog..I've seen those disco's explode when operating them too. :(
Thats real nice to know. Again, IMO the right tool for this job is a bulldozer.

Heres one more pic.

View attachment 1693
frizbeedog said:
....and what's with the lightning bolt shooting across pic two. You didn't get hurt did you? :)
LOL:grin: Look at the first two pics again. Thats the roofers safety rail/string.

And now that I look back at page one of this thread I see Bob got a little 'delete happy'.
chris kennedy said:
LOL:grin: Look at the first two pics again. Thats the roofers safety rail/string.

And now that I look back at page one of this thread I see Bob got a little 'delete happy'.

Yeah he got rid of my hard work with Batman & Robin in the Bat Cave-- I cried a little-- oops- this may disappear also,:D
Yes I did remove Batman and Robin along with some other off topic posts.

This is the safety forum and IMO Chris's subject is a serious one.
Both of the paralleled.

Both of the paralleled.

LarryFine said:
Which is probably why both of the paralleled fuses have been replaced. First one overheats and opens, total load falls on second, pop!
Just strikes me funny.
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