Bonding H2O to Structural Steel

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Clarification on a few points:

The electrical room is where the "service" enters the building.

The copper water pipes in the building need to be bonded but cannot be and electrode because the feed to the building is plastic. (this was already stated)

The service bond to the steel frame runs up an I-Beam and bonds it at the top. This is the sole connection to the steel frame. The CEE is in the footing only and not in the knee wall that connects to the steel frame. The only connection between the steel frame and the CEE is concrete. The steel is not below grade at any point, only bolted to the concrete knee wall.

The contractor saved money by installing a 3' bond jumper between one of the bar joists and copper water pipe instead of making a 100' run back to the service.

The approved plans show and declare the CEE as the official "electrode"

It states that both the water pipe and steel frame are to be BONDED.

So the question remains, can you use a bonding jumper from part of the steel frame (bar joists) to the metallic water pipe or are you required to run the bond for the water pipe all the way back to the service connection or GEC/Electrode?
To me an AHJ call. I'll satnd by my thought that the steel is not an electrode unless it qualifies under 250.(A)(2) which in this case would require a connection to an elctrode, and, IMHO, by a direct connection which would not be interrupted by removal of the service gear.
A simple jumper connected by split bolt to the CEE conductor and connected to the building steel would make the system compliant.
On the bright side, it appears from the Draft of the 2011 Code that structural steel shall only be considered as a grounding electrode if the steel itself is sufficiently in contact with the earth or the anchor bolts are in contact with the CEE.
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