Indeed. We are out in the sticks and there won't be any inspections that I'm aware of. It's no excuse to not wire it correctly or use good hardware, I'm just not going to dump hundreds of extra dollars into my two 200A panels for the sake of some magic arc detection.
I'm with you on the cost aspect. I understand the breakers themselves are more intricate, etc., but what was once $50 a breaker is ridiculous IMO, especially when compared to the normal cost of $5+. You just added anywhere between $500 - $1,000 dollars to the cost of a panel...
....and ultimately, while we're liable for everything in the end, we're still at the mercy of the HO's bank account. You can talk code and safety all day long, but if they can't afford it or don't want to pay for it, you're SOL. Can't break into a home to install AFCI's, haha... although that would be hilarious.
What are we to do if we plan a job to not trigger AFCI requirements, do the job, and it end being that we went over that 6ft mark by 1-2ft and now have to install AFCI's and come back to the HO with an additional $500 in charges and they don't want to pay for it? Rip everything out? I've seen a few videos where a ballsy contractor supposedly went into a home to rip out work that wasn't paid for, but I don't think that's gonna fly in most cases unless you got some friends in high places.
As far as I understand it, they work... but I've always wondered, if they work and are so crucial to safety, why are we allowed that 6ft leniency? Shouldn't they just be mandated, no exceptions?