Branch Circuit, Hand dryers

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Hello Guy's, I will be installing a crap load of Hand Dryers in a Commercial facility and need some help with the code requirements. The dryers are 208V, 6.6 amp each. I want to run 10 ga. on 30 amp DP GFCI breaker branch circuits so that I can cut down on the # of cable pulls, using 10/4 with Groung, Armored. Each dryer will be fused, using 15 amp glass fuses on each leg at the dryers on that circuit. I want to put 4 dryers/circuit. 2 circuits/cable. Must I run 10 gauge to each dryer from the Home run connection box? Or can I run #12 from the splitter box to the dryers? Since they are all individually fused. Thanks for any help. I am pretty sure I must run 10 wire throughout though.
I doubt your glass fuses can serve as the branch circuit over current protective device.

At 6 amps each I would use 14 AWG with 15 amp breakers but depending on the layout etc you may want run a feeder to a central location near the dryers, and install a sub panel maybe in a janitors closet near the bathrooms.
BranchCircuit, Hand Dryers

BranchCircuit, Hand Dryers

:-?So, I guess DP 20amp is as high a branch circuit as I can go. Giving me 3 dryers/circuit?
Subpanel cannot be installed in a Janitors closet. Nowhere to legally mount it. Runs from service panel are my only option.
Ok, subpanel it is then. I'll just have to try and find a location that will meet my needs and the requirements of the Code. Thank you guy's....
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