I sent the following email to the Chief of the DAS
Dear Glen Forman,
Previously the Division of Apprenticeship Standards FAQ page stated any entity could provide continuing education, and is now limited. I see clearly why the "any entity" part would need to be cleaned up, but now appears to exclude excellent sources of continuing education/training such as:
Mike Holt Enterprises
National Fire Protection Association
International Association of Electrical Inspectors
International Codes Council
Underwriters Laboratories
AVO Training Institute Inc.
Please consider the inclusion of a fourth option as I have suggested in the following italic text. The listed entities are directly related to the California electrical industry and it would be unfortunate to exclude any of them. I feel that clearly listing these entities will clear up any confusion in this matter. Also these entities do not exclude anyone based on political, union, non-union, or any other bias, other than that they are strictly electrically affiliated in nature.
"Who may offer continuing education?
1) community colleges, public school districts, public educational institutions; or,
2) a state-licensed private post-secondary institution under contract with a community college, public school district, or public educational institution; or,
3) federal or state apprenticeship programs"; or,
4) professionally recognized electrical entities, including: Mike Holt Enterprises, National Fire Protection Association, International Association of Electrical Inspectors, International Codes Council, Underwriters Laboratories, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, National Electrical Contractors Association, Associated Builders and Contractors, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Wyotech, AVO Training Institute Inc, and any entity approved by the Division of Apprenticeship Standards.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter,
Danny Craft
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 441
Orange County Electrical Training Trust - Electrical Instructor