I wonder if it's likely that inspectors will eventually start checking for journeymen cards on job sites. They do this in other states, right?
Inspectors in other states do - but as far as I know no inspectors of any jurisdiction show any interest in doing so due to work load - at least in the areas around me...

Very early on the previous woman in the position of directing this program told me that this would be enforced by workmans comp companies auditing contractors employee records (Several years ago they said 'not my job'...) - they too show no interest in doing the dirty work of the DAS. So now - by law it is the CSLB that will do so - do the dirty work of the DAS that is.... Exactly how - no one knows as of yet. The new law seems to state that the DAS will initiate the charges and the CSLB enforcement unit will be finishing and completing the investigation and prosecution.
Since the the DAS itself is only a handfull of baffoons - maybe they will enlist union (and merit shop) rep's to slink by and casually ask people what their names are, and if their papers are in order? (Both wearing brown or black jack-boots - respectively

) Or maybe there will be some sort of
1-800-rat-U-out program?

I say this because the CSLB's "Swift team" ain't so swift - they haven't been doing that great a job on what they are supposed to be doing anyway (Busting unlicensed contractors - employees of licensed contractors will be too big a step.) - due to staffing they now resort to
ads on craigslist for leads... The DIR has their own little jack-boots - the DSLE, but they are too busy bugging farmers who don't give enough water to migratory slave workers who pick strawberrys. :roll:
The bottom line is that there needs to be a lot more outreach to get people certified - and IF there is any real enforcement of this law that fact will become wholey evident. Roughly 50% of the current work force is actually certified in the first place - and if they start shutting down companies there will be a huge backlash. Think of the chaos if they kill out contractors for not dotting an 'I' or crossing a 'T'.... Or if some employee forgets to get renewed and puts 500 other certified guys out of work in one of the big companies. Or for that matter even in some small companies the risk is too great now. But that said - the labor is just not there to have real enforcment yet.
The MOU between the DAS and CSLB hasn't been made puplic that I know yet? But IMO the CSLB could very well enforce this in the easiest manner by requiring all electricians to register with them, and under the employer - much the way they did with the now defunct
HIC registration they did for a while. (If anyone even remembers... any employee that did any sales work with homeowners had to register with the CSLB. That worked so well that no one even knew about it.... :roll

But I assume the CSLB would start collecting personel lists at some point to record who is in the company - that is if they even take this seriously - they haven't in the past... They too pulled the NMJ ("Not My Job") tactic on it before...