CA Electrician Certification Renewal UPDATE!!!!

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I wonder if it's likely that inspectors will eventually start checking for journeymen cards on job sites. They do this in other states, right?
they should ask for the cards, followed by big penalties if they are not a licensed. most of us have spent a lot of time, energy, effort, and money getting the needed credentials. and now we have to compete against those who dont care.

im starting to get a little upset about it, enforce the laws already inplace. make contractors provide proof they are using legitimate workers. inform homeowners and commercial property owners their insurance may not apply without licensed individuals. enforce it, strictly.
I wonder if it's likely that inspectors will eventually start checking for journeymen cards on job sites. They do this in other states, right?
Inspectors in other states do - but as far as I know no inspectors of any jurisdiction show any interest in doing so due to work load - at least in the areas around me... :rolleyes: Very early on the previous woman in the position of directing this program told me that this would be enforced by workmans comp companies auditing contractors employee records (Several years ago they said 'not my job'...) - they too show no interest in doing the dirty work of the DAS. So now - by law it is the CSLB that will do so - do the dirty work of the DAS that is.... Exactly how - no one knows as of yet. The new law seems to state that the DAS will initiate the charges and the CSLB enforcement unit will be finishing and completing the investigation and prosecution.

Since the the DAS itself is only a handfull of baffoons - maybe they will enlist union (and merit shop) rep's to slink by and casually ask people what their names are, and if their papers are in order? (Both wearing brown or black jack-boots - respectively :cool:) Or maybe there will be some sort of 1-800-rat-U-out program? :rolleyes: I say this because the CSLB's "Swift team" ain't so swift - they haven't been doing that great a job on what they are supposed to be doing anyway (Busting unlicensed contractors - employees of licensed contractors will be too big a step.) - due to staffing they now resort to ads on craigslist for leads... The DIR has their own little jack-boots - the DSLE, but they are too busy bugging farmers who don't give enough water to migratory slave workers who pick strawberrys. :roll:

The bottom line is that there needs to be a lot more outreach to get people certified - and IF there is any real enforcement of this law that fact will become wholey evident. Roughly 50% of the current work force is actually certified in the first place - and if they start shutting down companies there will be a huge backlash. Think of the chaos if they kill out contractors for not dotting an 'I' or crossing a 'T'.... Or if some employee forgets to get renewed and puts 500 other certified guys out of work in one of the big companies. Or for that matter even in some small companies the risk is too great now. But that said - the labor is just not there to have real enforcment yet.

The MOU between the DAS and CSLB hasn't been made puplic that I know yet? But IMO the CSLB could very well enforce this in the easiest manner by requiring all electricians to register with them, and under the employer - much the way they did with the now defunct HIC registration they did for a while. (If anyone even remembers... any employee that did any sales work with homeowners had to register with the CSLB. That worked so well that no one even knew about it.... :roll:) But I assume the CSLB would start collecting personel lists at some point to record who is in the company - that is if they even take this seriously - they haven't in the past... They too pulled the NMJ ("Not My Job") tactic on it before...
they should ask for the cards, followed by big penalties if they are not a licensed. most of us have spent a lot of time, energy, effort, and money getting the needed credentials. and now we have to compete against those who dont care.

im starting to get a little upset about it, enforce the laws already inplace. make contractors provide proof they are using legitimate workers. inform homeowners and commercial property owners their insurance may not apply without licensed individuals. enforce it, strictly.
There are roughly 25000 C-10's and 35000 employees - could you imagine the chaos if the enforced it tomorrow? The point is that most people just don't know about this law, and many still think it failed - because it has many times....
I'm burning with curiosity over how and how-well trade licensing works in other states.

Personally, I hope California can make this work.

Unfortunately, California can't seem to make anything work.
Dropped my renewal app in the mail on 5/24 and received a letter on 6/16 from DAS indicating my license is on the way.

That's 24 days from my mailbox and back.

Glad that's over.
It seems there will soon be a form available - so any ol' vindictive individual can close down your shop.

Mr. Heller:

AB 3048 and SB 1362, effective January 1, 2009, amended Labor Code (LC) Section 3099.2 to mandate that the Department of Industrial Relations? Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) develop a process for referring cases to CSLB upon determining that a violation of electrician certification requirements may have occurred. The amended Labor Code would also mandate that DAS and CSLB execute a Memorandum of Understanding no later than July 1, 2009, to identify an appropriate process for referring such cases to CSLB.

This statutory amendment also requires that the CSLB Registrar, upon receipt of a referral by DAS alleging a violation of this section, shall open an investigation and that any disciplinary action against the licensee shall be initiated within sixty (60) days of receipt of the referral.

DAS will then, along with the referral to CSLB, include a certification of uncertified status that can be used to support an administrative action. If the evidence exists, CSLB will then take appropriate action. However, field investigations will not be performed.

The DAS complaint form will be available on their Web site July 1, 2009. The address is

If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Rick Lopes
Chief, Public Affairs Office
Contractors State License Board
9821 Business Park Drive
Sacramento, CA 95827
What if...

Say you had two licensed electricians, one with a general license, and one with a residential license working for the same company. If you wanted to work the residential guy on a commercial job under the supervision of a general license would the residential licensed guy have to register as a trainee?
What if...

Say you had two licensed electricians, one with a general license, and one with a residential license working for the same company. If you wanted to work the residential guy on a commercial job under the supervision of a general license would the residential licensed guy have to register as a trainee?
THAT! - is an awesome question.... The way the regulations are written - I would say that the resi guy would have to be a trainee. IMO there is very little separation between any technique, method or practice in either commercial or residential, but the dopes at the DAS seem to think there is.

BTW we should refer to them as "Certified" as "Licensed" implies they have a Contractors License - a C-10. (Which there is also no separation of markets on - which is exactly what the two different certifications are all about - MARKETS!)
So... who ya gonna snitch on first?
I had thought about former employers and competition, but IMO you live by the gun - die by the gun. While I and the company I'm working for are fully compliant - all it takes is one day when so and so might have a day when when a certification could lapse - that would be the day karma comes into play.... :rolleyes:

While on the subject - the day someone asks me my name with the slightest hint of malice - I'm gonna just drop 'em. "Wow - I have now idea how that bender slipped out of my hand like that! - Do you need an ambulance?" ;)
(h) Commencing July 1, 2009, the following shall constitute
additional grounds for disciplinary proceedings, including suspension
or revocation of the license of a class C-10 electrical contractor
pursuant to Article 7 (commencing with Section 7090) of Chapter 9 of
Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code:
(1) The contractor willfully employs one or more uncertified
persons to perform work as electricians in violation of this section.

(2) The contractor willfully fails to provide the adequate
supervision of uncertified workers required by paragraph (3) of
subdivision (a) of Section 3099.4.
(3) The contractor willfully fails to provide adequate supervision
of apprentices performing work pursuant to subdivision (d).
(i) The Chief of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards shall
develop a process for referring cases to the Contractors' State
License Board when it has been determined that a violation of this
section has likely occurred. On or before July 1, 2009, the chief
shall prepare and execute a memorandum of understanding with the
Registrar of Contractors in furtherance of this section.
(j) Upon receipt of a referral by the Chief of the Division of
Apprenticeship Standards alleging a violation under this section, the
Registrar of Contractors shall open an investigation. Any
disciplinary action against the licensee shall be initiated within 60
days of the receipt of the referral. The Registrar of Contractors
may initiate disciplinary action against any licensee upon his or her
own investigation, the filing of any complaint, or any finding that
results from a referral from the Chief of the Division of
Apprenticeship Standards alleging a violation under this section.
Failure of the employer or employee to provide evidence of
certification or trainee status shall create a rebuttable presumption
of violation of this provision.
(k) For the purposes of this section, "electricians" has the same
meaning as the definition set forth in Section 3099.

I know this thread is old but where did you folks get this New addition to the B7P section.
I visit the CSLB site regularly and I see no recent changes like that.
I know this thread is old but where did you folks get this New addition to the B7P section.
I visit the CSLB site regularly and I see no recent changes like that.
It's not that old.... It's still going and I'm about to start another.

Anyway, the LABOR section linked to on the DAS site is OUT OF DATE, and I think purposefully so.... (This law is not part of the B&P codes generally enforced by the CSLB.)

DAS truncated and out of date version

Actual & current:

(Item in question is 3099.2 A~I)
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