I tell these type customers right up front, "if your looking for the lowest price, Im not your guy"....when I say that, they usually soften up, and respect me a bit more I think. Once in a while they will bow up and bow out but rarely....and if they do, that's not the customers I want and I go on down the road.
And I've also told them on occassion when I learn they are getting multiple estimates. "Im sorry we dont play that game just so you can get the (low price), if you want references, I can supply you with them. And explain that most all of our customers are aquaintences or we have been recomended by someone. Most all resi jobs for us are either circuit additions and services. And all attics jobs are T/M end of story. We will not bid a attic. We do a lot of services and those are very repetitive and I can give a range estimates really quick.
Here's how I think....there are "x" amount of "demand" for EC's from customers, kinda like so many man/hrs of demand..... and there is "x" amount of EC's.... wich is the supply.... one of which is me. So its math to me..
So I figure if I turn down these type of jobs, they are going to tie up another EC getting it done anyway. So while that EC is busy with this "not so premium" customer, I'm available for the next premium customer when he calls, because the other EC is busy. This has paid off for me, cherry picking my customers and jobs, if you will.
Only thing I hate is when I get a customer in which we have been recomended from a regular client of ours., and its a job I really dont want. Doesnt happen all of the time but, I take it anyway ....to make my regular client happy. That's customer satisfaction IMO....I dont want to break that recomendation chain.
So with me, estimates are a range and they are free, they are scheduled on my convienence but they are free. I do some quotes but not many.....most all is T/M and I love it.....