coaxial and phone

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i love ENT. wish i used it more often
I hate the stuff, i've had more of that crap crack or leak in concrete pours than I care to remember - and there have only been a handfull - but only one is enough.... :mad:
I have a customer who wants cable and phone jacks in his house, any help ? I would think every room should have its own coaxial run from outside or closet jbox ? Should i daisy
chain phone lines ? or should rooms have its own lines ? any help
Daisy chaining phones is a throw back to the dark ages.... A few days after you leave the job you will be called a hack by the guy hired to make it all work..... But if you're gonna do it, you may want to learn some more - I have a short introduction to phones and data class- 100 pages or so....

As for what to do.... What to run? Where to? From where?

Much like choosing an electrical panel location, find someplace that will offer work-space and easy access, even if it ends up next to your panels. Make this the center of your star topography, and if at all possible make this accessible to fish in new cables fro the point of entry - the Demark.

Interview your client as to the use and possible future use of the home, etc.

Run 2 Cat-5e to at least one side of each bed, and 3 Cat-5e, and 2 RG-6Q to a location accross from each bed. 3 Cat-5e to any desk location, and a single Cat-3/5 to any stand alone phone location - even though many don't even use them any longer... 4 RG-6Q to the roof for SATV

Wanna save some money, time and effort - pull it all at the same time. No fancy composite cables - just plan it all out first - drill your holes and if pulling 3 cat5's and 2 RG6Q's - tape all of them at the head, and pull it all at once.

Waht to do with it? You dont even have to do anything with it, put it behind blank plates... Or....

Cat-5e = 1000BaseT LAN, or any commecial phone system, or POTs phone...

RG-6Q = CATV/cable modem, SATV

Flatscreen TV....
Two RG-6Q = Left and right line audio on RCA

Two Cat-5e = HDMI balun - one more and you get one to re-purpose for IR repeaters...

Although it may seem like extra work - terminate all the cat-5's to an intemediate 110 block. If you need to take it to a jack do it from there, if you need to jumper phones do it right there - then if you want to repurpose a cable you just pull off whatever attachment is on the 110 blocks.
We use the orange stuff pretty often. In new houses we run a couple from the LV panel room to the attic for future use. We also run them from built-in cabinets to above fireplaces for flatscreen TV's. It comes with a pull string in it but it always gets yanked out during installation.

Some people call it flextube or corrugated plastic conduit, we call it Smart Tube because it sounds cool and customers like it.
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