OBO Bettermann Wire Mesh Cable Tray System is available in 2- and 4-inch loading depths with widths ranging from 2 to 24 inches. The product, which features a variety of standard mounting options and meets all standards for UL grounding classifications, is suitable for wall and underfloor applications as well as ceiling applications. All bends, crossovers, angles, and tees can be field modified, for easy routing adaptability, both in new construction and in retrofit projects.
Standard finishes include zinc electroplated, stainless steel, hot-dipped galvanized, and powder coated.
T.J. Cope, Inc.’s CAT-TRAY welded wire mesh cable management system, available in nine widths, offers self-splicing bars, welded to one end of the tray, which speed connection of tray sections.
For straight runs that conform to UL grounding standards, the installer bolts a special clip onto the connecting end of each bar to maintain electrical continuity. For situations where the self-splicing bar is not applicable, a new rapid splice bar offers fast clasp-type connecting without nuts and bolts. Notched pedestal brackets, U-bolts, and nuts are available for installing the baskets on flat or corner edging of pedestal legs under raised computer floors.
MPHusky Techtray features a tighter-than-typical 2- by 2-inch grid that provides twice the support surface of the usual 2- by 4-inch grid and includes a pair of splice plates and necessary nuts and bolts with each straight section. Available in widths from 2 to 24 inches and depths of 1 to 6 inches, the product, which is also used in overhead and underfloor applications, features corner connectors without any sharp edges that can also be used on tees or crosses. Installers can also field fabricate fittings by cutting wires and using clips to hold segments together.
GS Metals Flextray Cable Management System, a lightweight, wire-basket-style cable tray system suitable for underfloors or hanging from the ceiling and available in various depths and widths, features total on-site flexibility. Using two specialized proprietary installation tools, installers cut and bend the wire mesh to create drops, bends, climbs and intersections, attaining finished edges with no sharp points.
Special Conduit Attachment Fittings, which come unassembled and are available in four diameters ranging from ? through 1? inches, facilitate quick attachment of conduit to the tray and neat cable drop through the conduit fitting.
Cable Management Solutions (CMS) 501 Series Wall Snake, part of the company’s Snake Tray line of flexible, open steel cable trays that are completely bendable by hand without tools or the need to cut wires, is a perimeter wall mount solution suitable for long linear installations where space is at a premium, such as above the ceiling grid. The trays are designed to allow direct attachment to a wall using mounting rings that run along the center spine, eliminating the need for additional brackets or hanging hardware. Available in 4-, 9-, and 25-square-inch pathways, the trays hang with standard fasteners.
Suitable for raised access floor installations,