Column wall space?

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Senior Member
Re: Column wall space?

But mine's actually sort of in the code.

I understand your take on it now though. I didn't see it yesterday.

I prefer your take. I don't know how to decide which interpretation to use. What do you do when Bryan's inspector shows up and takes whitchever position is the opposite of his? :(


Senior Member
Re: Column wall space?

I was just happy with how I was reading it JW. I'm still happy with the way I was reading it. I really didn't care what you coocks were thinking :D ) was just as plausible.


Senior Member
New Hampshire
Re: Column wall space?

I skimmed trough this post and came up with this.

A local builder scheduled a rough inspection of a new single family home. The living and family area is a large 35' by 30' room with a large 12" column directly in the middle acting as a separation point for the two areas.
2) Wall Space As used in this section, a wall space shall include the following:
(1) Any space 600 mm (2 ft) or more in width (including space measured around corners) and unbroken along the floor line by doorways, fireplaces, and similar openings
(2) The space occupied by fixed panels in exterior walls, excluding sliding panels
(3) The space afforded by fixed room dividers such as freestanding bar-type counters or railings

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Column wall space?

Nice try, Jim. But a 1 foot column is not going to constitute a "fixed room divider" in a room that is 30 feet wide. I think the OP's use of the phrase "separation point for the two areas" was written in conversational English, not in code language. We can't issue a code ruling on the basis of the words the OP chose to employ in describing the room.


Senior Member
Re: Column wall space?

How big must the column be before it qualifies as wall space? I'm betting that if it were 24 inches or more per side we would all agree that a receptacle is required. But if it were only 23 inches per side, is it now just a column again??

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Column wall space?

You are betting that we would all agree on something? I'll take that bet. Put me down for a bottle of Makers Mark. I'll cover all takers.


Senior Member
Re: Column wall space?

I think we might be getting you all corupted Charlie.
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