commercial receptacle limits

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Re: commercial receptacle limits

I promise this is my last post on this subject.

500 years ago if you would have told someone the earth is round they would have said you where crazy.

Since they couldn't fly they had to sail a ship around the world to prove this was a fact.

But all you have to do is open up your NEC code book and read it is 13 receptacles.

I know someone will come on here and give us a history lesson and maybe even a math class but you get my point.

Ronald :)
Re: commercial receptacle limits

Ronald When you say the code book states 13 you must mean the Handbook.

The handbook is not "the code".

IMO the question was a poorly worded one but it is clear they ask you to figure this at 115 volts which comes out to 12 duplex's.

And why make it the last post? :) :D

Re: commercial receptacle limits

Bob the hand book is based on the code and it is in the code book to I posted the art. earlier.

Just because some don't want to pay the additional amount to purchase a hand book is no reason to degrade it.

Re: commercial receptacle limits

Ronald I had no problem paying the NFPA about $170 for the 2002 handbook and 99 code on CD-ROM along with a "regular" 2002 book for another $50.

It is great book and I am glad I have it, but the highlighted parts are opinions and just because the example they show is for a 120 volt circuit does not change the original question voltage of 115.


[ August 08, 2003, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: iwire ]
Re: commercial receptacle limits

OK bob
I'm done

Bob as a matter of fact I'm so tired of arguing about the wording of this question I didn't even bother to read your whole post.
I'm board of discussing it.

Have a great night. :)

[ August 08, 2003, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: ronaldrc ]
Re: commercial receptacle limits

Yeh! And the NEC Handbook Commentary is written by people who have as much, or more experience than some of the people who seem to oppose its content.

That publication is based on facts, and most of the commentary comes from the actual proposals and comments.

I would appreciate seeing a list of publications or articles authored by anyone on this board who has nothing good to say about anything when it comes to the NECH.

..... RC did you take any examinations yet to become licensed, or are you already a licensed journeyman or electrical contractor?

Do they require licenses in your area?
Do you have to take out permits in Tennessee?

Again, the answer is 12, but could also be 36 based on the way the question was written.
Re: commercial receptacle limits

OK I' showed my age when I posted this question.

Joe, in the first part of your post you agree with Ronald and in the latter half you question his credentials. I have known Ronald for a long time and I can attest to his experience, (although unecessary) and I could ask him to do the same for me.

As far as the question you and I agree, as far as the handbook, it is just fellow trade peoples opinions, nothing more.

Some of the most knowledgeable people associated with the industry are here and then there are those experts we will never see in cyberspace.

With all that said, I'm sorry I ever asked the question if we are going trash each other.


[ August 08, 2003, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: roger ]
Re: commercial receptacle limits

Thanks Roger I agree.It is a good question but not worth arguing over.I appologize if I said anything out of the way Joe it was not I that said the hand book was inferior to the NEC code book I think it is better I hope so anyway I pay double for them.

Ronald :)

[ August 08, 2003, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: ronaldrc ]
Re: commercial receptacle limits

Thanks Ronald and I am sorry if I came across to strong, all this is bunch of BS as I doubt many of us are trying to max out any circuits.

Have a great night :)

Joe not that I have a problem with the NECH or it's authors, but it is not a bible and if we want to complain about we can.

I would think you past association with it would make your view a little bit bias. ;)


[ August 09, 2003, 06:42 AM: Message edited by: iwire ]
Re: commercial receptacle limits

Seems like I have that bad old human trait maybe a little worse that a lot of us.That is wanting to be right.

But I try to do it all in fun. Roger please don't regret posting this art. because of some of us taking it to serious.

I apologize to everyone I said anything out of the way to,believe me I did it in an innocent way.

Bob I threw the first stone about the handbook cost was to serious there sorry.

I just hope we didn't loose Bennie again.

Ronald :)
Re: commercial receptacle limits

Ronald, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be right, it's the reason for our "spirited" conversations. :D

Joe, back to my statement about the handbook. I wasn't implying that the people writing the handbook were not some of the top people in the industry, I think they are but, if you hand picked 12 members here that you considered the cream of the crop and put them in groups of three to write a handbook there would be four acceptable versions, yet all would be nothing more but intelligent peoples interpretations and of course the agreement of the CMP which could be four different agreements of the same people.

Re: commercial receptacle limits

The following was sent to me and I was asked to post it here. I appreciate this .

Notice Concerning Liability: Publication of this handbook is for the purpose of circulating information and opinion among those concerned for fire and electrical safety and related subjects. While every effort has been made to achieve a work of high quality, neither the NFPA nor the contributors to this handbook guarantee the accuracy or completeness of or assume any liability in connection with the information and opinions contained in this handbook. The NFPA and the contributors shall in no event be liable for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this handbook.
This handbook is published with the understanding that the NFPA and the contributors to this handbook are supplying information and opinion but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought.
Notice Concerning Code Interpretations: This ninth edition of the National Electrical Code? Handbook is based on the 2002 edition of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. All NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides are developed in accordance with the published procedures of the NFPA by technical committees comprised of volunteers drawn from a broad array of relevant interests. The handbook contains the complete text of NFPA 70 and any applicable Formal Interpretations issued by the Association. These documents are accompanied by explanatory commentary and other supplementary materials.
The commentary and supplementary materials in this handbook are not a part of the Code and do not constitute Formal Interpretations of the NFPA (which can be obtained only through requests processed by the responsible technical committees in accordance with the published procedures of the NFPA). The commentary and supplementary materials, therefore, solely reflect the personal opinions of the editor or other contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the NFPA or its technical committees.
?Registered Trademark National Fire Protection Association, Inc
Re: commercial receptacle limits

So What? :roll:

Re: commercial receptacle limits

Don I had to say Indian I got board with the subject.

Maybe I meant uncle?

Ronald :)

[ August 11, 2003, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: ronaldrc ]
Re: commercial receptacle limits

I for one didn't get bored, I found this discussion informative. I don't know who won, but I think that I'll install 12 recpt's. on one homerun from now on.
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