Cussing on the job site!

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Trust me, I have worked the large jobs that you describe and I know how it is, I even like it.......but again......time and place.
Time and place even apply on large construction jobs...I saw a worker escorted off the property when he used inappropriate language to a female engineer.
don_resqcapt19 said:
Time and place even apply on large construction jobs...I saw a worker escorted off the property when he used inappropriate language to a female engineer.

Would it have been appropriate if the engineer was male?

Everyone knows that proper deference is appropriate around engineers of all genders, included those of confused gender. The proper mode of address is for the electrician to bow and say respectfully "Good morning (afternoon) honorable engineer", while keeping his/her eyes pointed at the engineer's shoes.

I'm a frequent user of the F-bomb but I do have enough class to not use obscene language and tell nasty jokes around areas that I know may have someone nearby that may be offended. Using obscene language is a part of my daily vocabulary but I do know how to carry on a conversation that doesnt contain enough vulgarities to make a sailor blush. I think its about "R-E-S-P-E-C-T". Some people just dont care if they offend others regardless of who those individuals may be and some people dont have the common sense to realize that what theyre saying may be offensive merely because it wouldnt offend them. Basically if youre in a position of management and youve got a "problem child" who cant police himself then say something to him and use a progressive form of discipline with him/her. If its a threat to the business and/or future investors then he's affecting everyones wallet. Maybe he needs to work in a area where that type of behaviour is acceptable.
jnsane84 said:
I'm a frequent user of the F-bomb but I do have enough class to not use obscene language and tell nasty jokes around areas that I know may have someone nearby that may be offended. Using obscene language is a part of my daily vocabulary but I do know how to carry on a conversation that doesnt contain enough vulgarities to make a sailor blush. I think its about "R-E-S-P-E-C-T". Some people just dont care if they offend others regardless of who those individuals may be and some people dont have the common sense to realize that what theyre saying may be offensive merely because it wouldnt offend them. Basically if youre in a position of management and youve got a "problem child" who cant police himself then say something to him and use a progressive form of discipline with him/her. If its a threat to the business and/or future investors then he's affecting everyones wallet. Maybe he needs to work in a area where that type of behaviour is acceptable.
Why make obscene language a part of your daily vocabulary?
Why make obscene language a part of your daily vocabulary

It is simply a bad habit.

I use it to release steam when I am struggling with something that SHOULD be simple but some &^*% idiot who got paid good &&^%* money to design/install it didn't give a @#$! about the end %^&$@# result and now I have to %^$@#& deal with it.

It DOES seem to drive home the point sometimes.
Construction workers who lack class?
Who ever heard of such a thing?
Do they act like red necks too?

Seriously, ask them to tone it down around the clients or maybe move them to another job, but firing guys who aint paid for their tact really is a last resort. If you fire every guy with a potty mouth, you may end up with having to put your tools back on and do the work yourself.

I have a job right now where the GC has hired a bunch of female interns and the cursing issue has been a real problem, with real threats of legal action from the GC.

Weekly notes on checks as reminders, weekly pep-talks, and actual write ups seem to help a lot but there is only so much you can do, it's a battle I dont like fighting.
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When we look for an employee, they are a bit harder to find, we ask the employee to be a non drinker, non smoker, and not a user of obscene language. Also he must past the pre employment, drug test, and agree to random screening.
BryanMD said:
is beating your wife and kicking the dog allowed?

Beating the wife would most likely get you sent to lock up, but what is wrong with you kicking the dog, your fired, and dragged down a gravel road, in the dark.

However, we would hire a guy that is in treatment for substance abuse, provided he stayed in the program.
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I set the bar just a little higher than most of my competitors when it comes to how my employees look and act. From language to clothing I do not allow anything that is not rated G .The only person who cannot be replaced in my company is me and I let everyone know this from jumpstreet you don't follow my rules you go somewere else.Look and act like a professional at all times because you never know who is watching .
Rewire said:
I set the bar just a little higher than most of my competitors when it comes to how my employees look and act. From language to clothing I do not allow anything that is not rated G .The only person who cannot be replaced in my company is me and I let everyone know this from jumpstreet you don't follow my rules you go somewere else.Look and act like a professional at all times because you never know who is watching .

BINGO, and AMEN. I think that's the best worded post in this thread yet. Straight and simple, no questions.
I once crawled under a desk to do some work (nobody around except for me and my partner) and I either got zapped or hit something I don't remember, but I remember cutting loose and as I crawled out, there was a lady standing there. My partner trying to be PC (you'ld have to know him) was giving me a tounge lashing for cussing in frontt of a lady. I said slow down. First of all I didn't know there was a lady here, second I'm sure she's heard it before and third it hurt like h***!. She started cracking up and said that her husband was a carpenter and she was surprised that I had missed a couple of words.

I do agree, more since becoming an inspector, that there is a time and a place.

As for the person that said that listening in to a conversation that was not directed at them was eavesdropping is mistaken. It is called third party harassment and is not allowed in the work place.
The only person who cannot be replaced in my company is me and I let everyone know this from jumpstreet you don't follow my rules you go somewere else.Look and act like a professional at all times because you never know who is watching .

That must make a real happy work enviroment, huh?
Rewire said:
Look and act like a professional at all times because you never know who is watching .

And you never know who that person watching can do for you.... they may be your next big customer.

You may be working on a small, resi job.... say, a bathroom remodel that a small builder is working on. But the HO may be someone with a lot of pull and muscle that can do you a world of good, say, large shopping mall management.

So a couple 4-letter words can make the difference between wrapping up a bathroom remodel and going home, or snagging a 6-digit commercial job.
satcom said:
When we look for an employee, they are a bit harder to find, we ask the employee to be a non drinker, non smoker, and not a user of obscene language. Also he must past the pre employment, drug test, and agree to random screening.
Oh, and it would be nice if he speaks English. However, that may be waved since I would not want the politically correct police after me. :rolleyes:
Rewire said:
I set the bar just a little higher than most of my competitors when it comes to how my employees look and act. From language to clothing I do not allow anything that is not rated G .The only person who cannot be replaced in my company is me and I let everyone know this from jumpstreet you don't follow my rules you go somewere else.Look and act like a professional at all times because you never know who is watching .

I agree with 76nemo...the best post yet. :smile:
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