1-78 Log #2426 NEC-P01
(100?Device) Final Action: Accept in Principle
TCC Action:
It was the action of the Technical Correlating Committee that this Proposal be referred to
Code-Making Panels 2, 9, and 18 for comment.
Submitter: William E. Anderson, The Procter & Gamble Company
Revise wording to NEC Art 100 Definition Device:
From: Device. A unit of an electrical system that is intended to carry but not utilize electric energy.
To: Device. A unit of an electrical system that has a primary function to conduct or control electric energy.
It is logically clear coming from the NEC definition of Utilization Equipment that electronic and electromechanical equipment, which is
used in the function of controlling electric energy, could not be considered a device using the current NEC definition.
Also consider the definition for utilization equipment.
From NEC Art 100 Utilization Equipment: Equipment that utilizes electric energy for electronic, electromechanical, chemical, heating,
lighting, or similar purposes.
In many cases the original NEC definition does in fact fit but there are many others where it does not. One approach would be to define
an alternate term such as component or other term and edit the entire NEC to reflect the two distinct meanings. Or as proposed, if the
strict meaning of the present NEC defined term "device" is not absolutely necessary, revise it to include the broader meaning of
equipment whose primary function is to control or transport electrical energy but may use some electrical energy in performing that
As some of the examples where the term device is apparently intending to be understood a more general definition such as the one
proposed here.
80.13 Authority.
Where used in this article, the term authority having jurisdiction shall include the chief electrical inspector or other individuals
designated by the governing body. This Code shall be administered and enforced by the authority having jurisdiction designated by the
governing authority as follows
(15) The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to waive specific requirements in this Code or permit alternative methods
where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by establishing and maintaining effective safety. Technical documentation
shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency and that the system, method, or device is approved
for the intended purpose.
Does the expectation form Art 80.13 (15) exclude electronic, electromechanical equipment that utilizes electric energy while in the
primary function of controlling electric energy?
From NEC Art. 100 Interrupting Rating. The highest current at rated voltage that a device is intended to interrupt under standard test
FPN: Equipment intended to interrupt current at other than fault levels may have its interrupting rating implied in other ratings, such as
horsepower or locked rotor current.
Does the motor controller, which often includes electromechanical equipment such as relays and contactors, not have an interrupt
current rating?
From NEC Art 100 Remote-Control Circuit. Any electric circuit that controls any other circuit through a relay or an equivalent device.
Cannot the equivalent device be electromechanical or electronic?
From NEC Art 100 Switch, Transfer. An automatic or non-automatic device for transferring one or more load conductor connections
from one power source to another.
How does the automatic device function if it is not either electronic or electromechanical?
There are other examples throughout the 2002 Edition of the NEC.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept in Principle
Revise the text to read as follows:
Device. A unit of an electrical system that is intended to carry or control but not utilize electric energy.
Panel Statement:
The panel agrees that the definition can be clarified; however, they do not agree with all substantiation from the submitter. The panel
concludes that addition of the word "control" to the existing definition satisfies the intent of the submitter.
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Affirmative: 12
Ballot Results: