Edit Button

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ITO said:
Look, I don't know who set up the edit button so there is a limited time to go back and edit yours post, but if I cant go back and fix my numerous spelling mistakes or remove posts I made in haste then I probably will just stop posting all together.:mad:
That would be a great lose !
ITO said:
Look, I don't know who set up the edit button so there is a limited time to go back and edit yours post, but if I cant go back and fix my numerous spelling mistakes or remove posts I made in haste then I probably will just stop posting all together.:mad:

I hope you change your mind but that is up to you.

As far as I know the time limit is here to stay, use the preview feature, proof read, slow down etc.
ITO said:
Look, I don't know who set up the edit button so there is a limited time to go back and edit yours post, but if I cant go back and fix my numerous spelling mistakes or remove posts I made in haste then I probably will just stop posting all together.:mad:

so long ito, happy trails
It's more than just spelling. I have posted something I thought to be correct than gone back and looked in the Bible only to find I had the info right but there was more info to ad or something like that and could not correct it in the post.

10 minutes is not enough time.

And why do we need a time limit?
electricmanscott said:
It's more than just spelling. I have posted something I thought to be correct than gone back and looked in the Bible only to find I had the info right but there was more info to ad or something like that and could not correct it in the post.

The solution is to proof read before you post, it ain't rocket science.

And why do we need a time limit?

Well you don't, it was my entirely my idea and the only reason was to mess with the regular posters. :rolleyes: :grin:

One more time...

The reason is that we had members substantially changing or deleting their posts after other members had responded to them.

BTW, FWIW I did not instigate this change, but I do support it. :cool:
in case I didn't mention it, I think you guys do a great job running this forum, and I stand behind all your decisions 90%
It's simple, proof read and spell check then hit the submit button.

If you want to say something else, say it your next post.

FWIW, In my posts I will abide by the edit time limit too even though I don't have to.

I have been hesitant to post in this thread, because I think I may be one of the offenders.

There have been times that I have posted, thought about it, did a little investigation and determined that I was wrong... sometimes very wrong.

To my knowledge, I have never edited a post with any kind of malicious intent, but only to remove an embarassment. Yeah, I posted it. Yeah, it was wrong. Maybe I shoulda done better in the first place, but I didn't. Maybe I'm not good enough for this forum. Maybe I should go to the short bus forum.

I don't see any real big deal with it anyway... when you edit, it is indicated. ( see the bottom )

I think ITO's points have some validity. Why be concerned that stuff that is written by anonymous people, and is only active for a few days before it is archived, is correct, any way? This very thread is full of nonsense about bridges and what not ... It ain't a court transcript.

If, by editing my posts, I deprived someone of the opportunity to embarass me further I apologize... I'm sure this time limit will provide some relief for that.

Those Christians won't be able to get out of the Colliseum now!

You have to wait nine minutes before you can nail me and I won't be able to make myself look less stupid for posterity.
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iwire said:
The reason is that we had members substantially changing or deleting their posts after other members had responded to them.

BTW, FWIW I did not instigate this change, but I do support it. :cool:

So this might be partly my fault, I did that once at the request of another member. I did notice that the edit button stops working after some time, but I don't care about that I ain't no english major. So if you can't understand my post because of punctuation (or lack of it) skip it I don't mind.
realolman said:
There have been times that I have posted, thought about it, did a little investigation and determined that I was wrong... sometimes very wrong.

To my knowledge, I have never edited a post with any kind of malicious intent, but only to remove an embarassment. Yeah, I posted it. Yeah, it was wrong. Maybe I shoulda done better in the first place, but I didn't. Maybe I'm not good enough for this forum. Maybe I should go to the short bus forum.

Now I know why you look so smart.
I've gained fifty pounds since I started posting on this forum. All from eating crow!

But, way past the vanity of having typed everything properly and spelling each word correctly and taking back dumb remarks in the time slot allowed, I have learned all manner of very valuable interpretations of the NEC; the kinds of facts that help me to do better inspections, to be a more professional and informed inspector. This makes my work easier and my opinion more trustworthy, durable and sought after. This makes the electrical industry that much better each day.

Joining this forum is similar to a drop of water joining a lake. It has very little effect on the lake, but the lake has a huge effect on the droplet of water.
wbalsam1 said:
I've gained fifty pounds since I started posting on this forum. All from eating crow!

But, way past the vanity of having typed everything properly and spelling each word correctly and taking back dumb remarks in the time slot allowed, I have learned all manner of very valuable interpretations of the NEC; the kinds of facts that help me to do better inspections, to be a more professional and informed inspector. This makes my work easier and my opinion more trustworthy, durable and sought after. This makes the electrical industry that much better each day.

Joining this forum is similar to a drop of water joining a lake. It has very little effect on the lake, but the lake has a huge effect on the droplet of water.
I've seen many post about the value of this Forum. This is well written IMO. Nice job!
chris kennedy said:
I've seen many post about the value of this Forum. This is well written IMO. Nice job!

I second what Chris has stated.
I especially like the last sentence.

I can understand that there are differences of opinion on this site about any issue, and the same is for life.
But, if there are rules in this forum that one is uncomfortable with, they do not have to participate.
In my opinion, if one leaves due to some of the rules set here, they really are hurting themselves.

I for one use the preview button quite a bit, but maybe not enough. ;)
Pierre C Belarge said:
I for one use the preview button quite a bit, but maybe not enough. ;)
Good job. Sounds like you've earned your patch:



How much time to edit??? I am not sure? I am glad that we have people in place to decide that. I guess near about all of my post could use a little help! I am especially proud of the one I posted about if I "do side work"? Maybe someone can do a link here for me as I do not have the know how to "link it"!! Anyway I appreciate all the knowledge that you guys provide hear! Oh ITO.. please don't go! (kc & the sunshine band):D :D
ItsHot said:
Oh ITO.. please don't go! (kc & the sunshine band):D :D
I'm not sure why, exactly, but it sure seems like many things that happen on electrical forums harken up one of several K.C. and The Sunshine Band songs. enjoy In the end, if you had an employee that gave you the ultimatum "if you do X, I'm gonna do Y", what would you do? Myself, it wouldn't matter what the circumstances were. If ultimatums are involved, yer outta here.
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