It is not so much poor design by the manufacturer----this one was ITE, but T&B, Challenger, Crouse Hinds and others all had this design----and it worked fine for years with the seals that were being used at the time----which are still available. Once I or another serviceman come on the situation and notify the utility they will send someone to change it to a seal that works with the cover. If you cut the seal to get the cover open (does not involve removing the meter) you will be fined $100---they put it on my home electric bill and threatened to cut power to my house if I didn't pay. Then you can decide if you are going to bill your customer while you sit in the truck and wait for the utility---or eat it yourself. Picture -20 below in the dark 30 miles from town and a 4 hour bill (at this time of day the utility guy has to be awakened at home, dressed, drive to his shop to get a rig, and come to my job) to change a 2 pole snap in breaker or tighten a lug on a neutral---it's obviously ridiculous, but that's not moving them---I need a a code or some compliance article I can cite to get them to correct their mistake of putting the wrong seals on these meters---btw, thanks to everyone for your input so far, seems like if this is not a code issue, it should be---Kelly