When apparatus are SCCR marked, there are two types of markings:
1. The main OCPD is part of the equipment (see Figure 1A). In this case, the equipment manufacturer includes the OCPD in the equipment and the SCCR marking states the SCCR rms symmetrical amperage and voltage.
2. The equipment does not have a main OCPD and it relies on a field installed OCPD device on the lineside (see Figure 1B). In this case, the SCCR marking states the SCCR rms symmetrical amperage, voltage, and required OCPD type, and amp rating (often stated as a maximum). For example, the SCCR marking may state “100 kA rms symmetrical, 480 V, and maximum 400 A Class J fuse.” This requires 400 amp or less Class J fuses to be field installed on the equipment’s lineside in order to comply with the SCCR marking.