Interesting! So are the folks in Europe better-accustomed to consumer electronics that go "bang" in the night?
Well, I can't speak for all of course. But my experience..
Like most households we have a whole bunch electronic gizmos. Maybe more than most given that we are just a couple, children grown and flown, grand children as visitors from time to time.
I have four laptops, three in regular use, a Nokia mobile phone, a BlackBerry, an iPhone, a printer, and I'm on my third Kindle. Mrs B has a laptop, desktop, a printer/scanner/fax, a bunch of peripherals, a smart phone, another Kindle,...
Then there are a couple of televisions, cable boxes, DVD player, numerous LED and CFL lights. And a few battery operated power tools.
Nothing has gone bang. As in blown up.
And I have no reports from relatives, friends, and colleagues of anything going bang.
Sure, there have been a few failures
A little tale.
A while back, at least a year ago, maybe closer to two, my son invited us for Sunday lunch.
"Dad, would you like to have Sunday lunch with us?"
"OK. When did you have in mind?"
"How about this Sunday?"
"I'll check with the missus."
OK. All arranged.
"By the way, do you know anything about dimmers?"
Cheeky blighter knows perfectly well what I do for a living.
"I might."
"We have a problem with......"
So we went. I fixed the problem.
And we had a very nice lunch. Irish stew made with fillet steak.