Generac Power Systems dealer

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Most would require a separate branch circuit.

Generac has for a few years provided a kit to put the charger in the transfer switch, connected to the load side (house side) of the transfer switch, this kit amounted to a fuse block with a provided 5 amp fast blow ceramic fuse, an add on terminal to add to the neutral bar, and a couple jumpers to connect one to the add on terminal and to one of the female terminals on the load side of the transfer switch, they also included in the instruction book that you can provide a 120 volt circuit from the backed up panel.

Why does the charge have to be on the load side of the transfer switch, well back a few cycles of changes they had remove all battery charging from the generator while it is providing power, this is only on the air cooled 1 liter 25kw and below auto transfer models, water cooled 25kw and above still have an engine mounted 30 amp alternator to maintain the battery while the engine is running, so on these you only need the battery to charge while the unit is on utility, and is incorporated in the generator off the utility sense lines.

Don't think they ever did. I think they used that excuse to death.

I worked with Generac a few years back about this problem, the problem was their engineer had the thinking that most light duty farm and fleet type batteries were easy to obtain, the real world truth was they were not and most persons installing these generators could only get sealed maintenance free batteries, or because of cost that is what they would supply, this was where the problem arose, even when maintenance type batteries were installed, no one would check the battery electrolyte levels, and they would run dry when maintenance free batteries were used, they couldn't check them and trickle chargers were the wrong type of charger to be using, as it never shuts off, only float type chargers should ever be used with maintenance free batteries, while I did point this out to them, I was still seeing trickle chargers being supplied and it wasn't till they came out with the units one cycle of changes back did I start seeing float chargers being supplied, I think they finally opened their eyes when all the reports of batteries exploding started coming in.

In my own experience in the past year since they moved to this 0 support unless your a certified service tech for them has really turned my away from installing them, I like to provide my customers with top support and go out of my way to do so, I have installed a few since this and had a couple problems come up, and when I told the customer they had to contact Generac they were not happy, and one case they sent out one of their tech's who totally ripped the customer off as stated there was no problem, and then charged the customer over $285.00 service call, when I told Generac the motor had a sticking choke plate that would not shut to allow the motor to start, they were the ones that suggested to spray a little silicone lube on the choke pivot to at least get it running till the guy could get out their and change the plate, problem was this guy said it working fine and told the customer their was nothing wrong and billed her, I was furious.

I called Generac and they said their was nothing they could do as this so called service tech was his own company and I would have to take it up with him.

So from now on, I explain to customers up front, I will install them, but when there is a problem with them I don't do anything with them.

I did like the fact that they did stop installers and customers from not filling out the warranty cards and sending them in, which was a hassle before because when I would call on a warranty problem they would say their was no record of the generator being installed, which made it a nightmare to get the warranty service done, now you cant even start the generator till you call in the warranty and get the code to enter to start it.
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