Graphene batteries


Senior Member
North Georgia mountains
Owner/electrical contractor
Those giant pickup trucks are sometimes just a status symbol. I know a few people who have them and just use them for going to work and the grocery store. The beds are spotless. :D
Yes, (called mall crawlers) but so are EV’s.I know a lot of people that own them, use as virtu signaling or status symbol too. Their other vehicle is a Suburban or other gas hog. I have no problem with people buying either one, but large swaths of the country outside the big cities, it doesn’t make sense, but it is being pushed as the only choice for everyone.


Senior Member
North Georgia mountains
Owner/electrical contractor
I am not seeing anything pushed on anybody, what am I missing?
I think it’s Volvo that in the near future will not make any ice vehicles, the government is pushing manufacturers to produce more EV’s regardless of demand. GM’s ICE vehicle manufacturing supports the losses from the EV division. So if you buy an ICE vehicle, you are subsidizing people buying EV’s.


PE (Electrical), NABCEP certified
Austin, TX, USA
Consulting Electrical Engineer - Photovoltaic Systems
Because if something becomes popular it soon becomes all that is available.

Yeah! I want my horse and buggy back! Also my 8 track player, my TRS-80 computer, and my Blackberry phone! :D


PE (Electrical), NABCEP certified
Austin, TX, USA
Consulting Electrical Engineer - Photovoltaic Systems
The Amish never left it! LOL!
Likewise, unless you are very young, if you want to keep driving a gasoline powered car for the rest of your life, you probably can. If you are very young, though, you probably won't want to.


Senior Member
Yes you can’t stop the next evolution. But when you are forcing gas to be expensive and government is pushing car companies to stop making gas cars. Instead of letting the market make the choice.

No one forced us to use dvd they were a better product. Construction workers switched to batteries because the company’s kept working on making them better if the government just said you all use batteries tools. The company would have no reason to improve them.

All this does is hurt us. Soon Ev will be completely outsourced to China and no American Ev any longer. American jobs lost.
More poverty in American. All this hurts the poor most of all.


PE (Electrical), NABCEP certified
Austin, TX, USA
Consulting Electrical Engineer - Photovoltaic Systems
Yes you can’t stop the next evolution. But when you are forcing gas to be expensive and government is pushing car companies to stop making gas cars. Instead of letting the market make the choice.
Gasoline is cheaper here in the US than just about anywhere else in the world. People keep saying "let the market make the choice" as if "the market" didn't grind people under its wheels, too.


Senior Member
Of course there are winners and looser that is nature. Are system of government has l lifted more people out of poverty in the history of civilization.
We are the most charitable county suppling more the 60%. Of donation around the world.
So I you want to keep that, let the market be.

If you want more control then let’s just let Russia or China take controls since they have more experience then us.


Senior Member
As far as gas I remember when Obama said we are spoiled with gas and need to pay what Europe pays.
Well he can fly a kite
Cheap energy is the back bone of production.
You increase that everything goes up. More expensive energy hurts poor people the most
As far as gas I remember when Obama said we are spoiled with gas and need to pay what Europe pays.
Well he can fly a kite
Cheap energy is the back bone of production.
You increase that everything goes up. More expensive energy hurts poor people the most
I believe that comment was made by Steven chu, before he was energy secretary. Asked about that comment later, he said as a representative of the US govt and energy dept, he no longer supported that view and was working to keep energy prices low.


Senior Member
C-2 electrical contractor/owner operator
Many people have different needs, and EVs are a bad fit for tons of folk.

My ideal vehicle would be a plug in hybrid with about 40 miles of EV range. Most of my trips are short and frequent. The 5 mile round trip to get kids to school, for example. These short trips are horrible for ICE efficiency; the engine barely has time to heat up properly before being shut down.

For the few longer trips that I do, gasoline probably makes more sense than hauling a battery that gets rarely used.

Graphene just describes an electrode type that can be used in a battery. There are a ton of different plausible chemistries that can use graphene as a component.

I've not played with any graphene containing batteries. Right now I'd just consider graphene a marketing buzzword.

My wife’s car is a Toyota Prius prime 2022. It has about 30 miles of ev only driving range then automatically changes to standard hybrid driving which gets about 55mpg. The car has now almost 4000 miles on it since new and has averaged a combined total of 157mpg over the course of 4000 miles. Of course if you take it on a long road trip that will go down. Sure is nice though to hop in, drive around town and use no gas. Once battery is deleted it takes about 6 hours on a standard 120 volt plug to charge it. If we were to top of the gas tank of 10 gallons can get nearly 600 miles of range. Feels like the best of both worlds.


PE (Electrical), NABCEP certified
Austin, TX, USA
Consulting Electrical Engineer - Photovoltaic Systems
Yeah? Like I care! It's still too expensive here because we know it could be (and was) cheaper. And we know why that is.
We do? Silly me; I thought it had to do with the global oil market, OPEC and the like.