ground rods

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Good quote.

IMO the ground has not been tested to determine
if there is poor conductivity.

IMO the pool house, and the area surrounding the pool
would be a good conductivity area.

So, why TWO ground rods??

But it is tied in with the system from the house. Its not like your creating a seperate system. If that was required then you wouldnt have a ground from the house out to the shed with the feeders.


The EGC is for equipment grounding.
The GEC and ground rod is for HV transient and lightning dissipation.

(I don't this dissipation should be spelled that way,
it looks funny, but it spell-checks!)

Sub panel is not an NEC term.

Which explains why I can't find it in my handbook!

Your other comments are good.

As I would say it,
Lightning is an impulse of very high frequency
and seeks a path to it's (cloud) reference which has low 'impedance'
(such as the capacitive coupling looking to earth).
Resistance at DC or 60Hz does not come into play
as much as the high frequency impedance. I say 'impedance'
because of the quick rise-time (slew rate)
from 0V to 1MegaVolts during a (aprox) time of 1 microsecond,
which yields a frequency of (aprox) 1 MegaHz.
Same effect as what you said.

The term 'service rated" has been used which is not correct.
Service equipment is rated Suitable for Use as Service Disconnect" meaning it has a main bonding jumper that can be installed, allowing to be used as a "sub-panel, or surface-panel, where the neutral is not allowed to be bonded. "Suitable for use a service disconnect only" means the equipment can only be used where the neutral is bonded, and can't be used as a
"sub-panel, or surface-panel, or feeder panel.
A surface panel is one that is not used on a sub.
I make the above comment to clarify we get into trouble when we use terms that are not defined in the NEC, for example see the definition of Structure.

I am not familiar with the term surface panel? Is it a typo?

....surface-panel, where the neutral is not allowed to be bonded
. ... is the sub-feed to a seperate structure considered the service, from the perspective of the fed seperate structure, and a sub feed from the feeding structure ?
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