Dear Bryan, Don
As for any incident, although, it does not have immediate damage to life or property, put in a different situation, it might.
Once upon my time, during a substation grounding rehab, replacing potrions of the buried 4/0 copper ground grid conductors taken by scavengers, on an unfenced old parts laydown area, away from the switchyard.
One of my men mistakenly removed his dirty gloves and cleaned the wires before making thermic weld connections, when suddenly he jerked his hands away from the wires. It became ?hot?. Realizing the yard is making some reclosing operations but barely notice the usual clacking sound due to the distance, we waited for a while. After voltmeter check, touch it again and sure enough the shock voltage was gone. We finished the job with rubber gloves on.
Another case is during HVAC testing & commisioning, of a two 500mcm parallel feeder for a 1000A Dy starter, A gap in the loose RSC coupling of one set is giving off sparks like weld machine, when chiller motor is running. Insulation resistance is high P-P & P-G, finally decided to pulled the cables, we noticed that one L1 & one L3 wire of both sets went in to different CT donuts meant for each of the 3phases, but was terminated correctly. Rewired it back properly and there, no more sparks,
Figured there was no real fault and suspecting it for ciculating currents induced by uncancelled cable fluxes, I purposely did not change the loose coupling, since I got time returned the original CT routing, and the sparks returned this time on couplings of both sets.
Replaced the oversized coupling intended for pvc conduit adapters some wisecracks used rewired again and re-tighten connections along with the bonding bushings.
From the grounding point of view, I?m convinced that the grounding system is doing its job of conducting these unwanted currents to be absorb by the earth, whatever the source maybe. Maybe ocassionally but I?m convinced that when properly made, its not sleeping out there.
So for those thinking that it is ?of little no or very minor importance? , go ahead, no one?s stopping them, but I will not certainly buy that either.