OP your bio says you are in Montana. I would start with the state building authority if there is any.
I had the same situation a few years ago here in Georgia when wiring several houses in a new development. I generally try to play along with local AHJ’s, and asked before bidding if they had any local ordinances that conflicted with the NEC. I was told “no”.
To make a long story short, they failed all of my rough-ins. In Georgia, the state is the ultimate AHJ, and they had rejected this local AHJ’s request for an amendment. The state sent me a copy of the rejection letter. Things got heated when I presented this.
They were making life miserable for the builder, so I agreed to no longer use 14/2, and they passed my jobs. I didn’t have to, but I wasn’t looking to make enemies.
My advice is to check with the state. There should at least be a requirement that amendments are posted at the permit office. Negotiate your way through the current install, and make changes on future installs to comply if you plan to keep working there.
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