Well Gee Wally ...
Well Gee Wally ...
amazing electric said:
I have a worker that is 20 years older then me, it was all fine when i hired him but lately no respect, gets mad when i point out wrong doing, and one more thing he says its my job i make decisions and he also says he does not like babysiting, when you send your guy out to do a job do you let them make all decisions or you tell the how you want it done and they have to do it. Thanks for your help
First thought is that you hired him for his experience!
What ground rules did you instill to him as a course of working for you?
Just about everyone around here works under a thirty day probation period, and your grounds for hiring were what ?
I don't quiet understand your or his statement of baby sitting ?
Is it, He doesn't appreciate his position of driving a job and having to supervise a helper or crew?
Or is it that he doesn't like your input, and feels he's being baby sat?
I've been a floor foreman (assigned to an area), I've been sent out as a foreman to re-fits and upfits. I've had to call the Boss in and the Boss has walked into situtions that he really didn't like my excess usage of erico products, so I told crew to use and apply something else. For example a right angle branket is way less expensive than a stud span bracket...
It's always your job! He is not caring the paper! If he can't stand the constructive criticism well, I guess it time for him to Drag Up...
480Sparky has made a post on how to get rid of people, I beleive documentation of events is involved.