How long to put up with a worker

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I have spent most of my working life managing people that are older than me. Some good advice that I received early on: "You may not be always right, but you are always the boss". This may be an employee with a problem, but I am getting the impression that you are having problems with other employees, etc. It is easier to blame a lack of respect on an age difference, than to admit that perhaps you have been a poor manager. It is your business, and your license and you have a right to expect that things will be done your way. That said, have you taken the time to explain and teach your employees what you expect? Sometimes it is easier to "do it yourself" that to explain to someone else how it should be done. I have seen many people guilty of that. They never have time to teach anyone how they want things done, and then complain that nothing is ever done they way that want it done.
With owning a business comes great responsibility, part of which is to be a mentor to your employees. It is your license, insurance, and profit that is on the line for every job. You don't know what bad habits or misinformation a worker has picked up during his career. You will need to communicate the way things are to be done under your license. Have a reason that you want things done a certain way and explain the reason as well as the outcome that you expect. If you are unwilling or unable to do this, stay small enough that you can do all of the work yourself; you will always have trouble with employees.
Ask yourself this question, "Is the employee the one with the problem, or is it the guy I see in the mirror each morning?"
My take

My take

There are 2 ways to do things..
1. According to Code and 2. The right way

Take a look at his numbers and ask:
1. Is he making me money?
2. Is he costing me money?
3. Is he reflective in the way you want your buisness to be known?
4. Does he follow policy or buck the system?
5. Does he know how to make you money and retain the customer for repeat business?

If you have doubts, better get ride of him and save your money.
In just about all the states all you have to do is reference "Downsizing" and you can get ride of anyone with no reason, however, a little unemployment is better payed than loosing money.

Do the math....
All I can offer is that I have hung onto at least 4 licensed electricians in the past 5 years much longer than I should have. I should have listened to my gut feeling sooner. None of them were right for different reasons. I tried to give it time and attention, but it didn't work out. You might save yourself some later aggravation by going with your gut. But I'd need a lot more info on the history to offer real advice.
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