Senior Member
Fire Alarm said:Pardon me for asking, are you an Electrical Contractor?
No I am not an electrical contractor.
Fire Alarm said:Pardon me for asking, are you an Electrical Contractor?
amazing electric said:I think one of the problem with my guys that they all older then me . I ve never worked for an younger boss but your age makes people think that they can step over bosses authority.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:If it will pass inspection, it's nothing to nitpick over. If you wanted it done your way, you should not have picked someone else to do it. How can you expect everything or anything to be done your way by someone else? The point is that it gets done and there are a million ways to get from point A to point Z. You can't expect someone else to take the exact same route you would just because they're your employee.
I don't use lead anchors myself, but are they really so awfull that they will cause the can to "fall off the wall"? Maybe you are making a mountain out of a molehill in this particular instance?amazing electric said:"That is true but if i am paying the guy and I am asking him to mount that ct can in the matter that if will not fall of the wall why are there hard feelings..."
iwire said:That was LawnGuyLandSparky that said that not amazing electric
amazing electric said:That is true but if i am paying the guy and I am asking him to mount that ct can in the matter that if will not fall of the wall why are there hard feelings.
plus the ispector wont stick his head in that ct can to check how its mounted, but if something goes wrong will they call me or the journeyman?
LawnGuyLandSparky said:90% of how you planned on doing it will be pretty obvious. If you've chosen the GC, you must have based that choice on something. Like his/her ability to run a job in a manner that consistent with your business practices. Which, by the way, are not so unique or different than any of the other 100,000 Electrical contractors out there, I assure you.
Who set the budget? Was it accurate or realistic to begin with? Did you bid on a loser? Is that his fault? Were there delays? Way to many variables.
The pocket the losses come out of is the same one the profits go into. That is the business of contracting.
If you give the job over to his discretion and judgement and it's a success I doubt you'd have a problem patting yourself on the back.
emahler said:so when i price a job based on $x material and $y labor.....i shouldn't tell my gf how i planned on doing it for that money?
lawnguy said:Who set the budget? Was it accurate or realistic to begin with? Did you bid on a loser? Is that his fault? Were there delays? Way to many variables.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:If it will pass inspection, it's nothing to nitpick over.
emahler said:wow....presumptuous and wrong...2 great attributes of a GF...
you feel that you, as a GF, should have total control...yet you are very quick to blame the owner...what gives?
if you actually bothered to read what I wrote, instead of just jumping to conclusions to disagree with would have noticed this:
Originally Posted by emahler
so when i price a job based on $x material and $y labor.....i shouldn't tell my gf how i planned on doing it for that money?
and not be so quick to point out your inability to use common sense and post something like this:
Originally Posted by lawnguy
Who set the budget? Was it accurate or realistic to begin with? Did you bid on a loser? Is that his fault? Were there delays? Way to many variables.
when you sit down tonight to watch tv...think about the fact that most contractors are not Forest Electric, or Unity Electric, or EJ Electric, or 5-Star, etc...they are small guys who are doing everything they can to build there business...
your attitude is the reason that many shy off from growing...they are petrified of growing and having to rely on someone like yourself to make them money...
especially when you've shown, time and time again, that should you fail, it's really the bosses fault...
good luck and good night...
growler said:That'a not true. Many dangerous installations pass inspection. It's up to the person who's name is on the permit to decide when the job is up to a certain set of standards and code ( it's the law).
I have worked for many companies in my time and I can honestly say that some of those companies didn't care what their people in the field did. Others had higher quality standards and if anyone wished to work there it was up to them to come up to those standards. It is the owner of the company that gets to decide what standards are set for the company. If an employee doesn't like this they are free to seek employment elsewhere.
The problem may have been in the way these standards were explained to the employee. I will admit that there are employers that don't have a lot of tact when comes to explaining things. :smile:
LawnGuyLandSparky said:When presented with a what-if senerio with a predetermined outcome, I'm going to blame the owner unless there are indications otherwise. So you tell me, WHAT-IF a job goes down the tubes even though the work was done effeciently, and on time, and with the proposed materials? WHAT IF the company just underbid? The one with all the power gets all the blame. If you micromanage and deny a GF his authority, who are you to blame when he wasn't really all that in control? It seems you want the best of all worlds - assign a GF, micromanage the job, make jobsite decisions and THEN also get to use this GF as a wailing wall should something go wrong.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:You cannot put blame on a person who doesn't have control, it's just that simple. If I'm running a job and I need 5 LESS people and I'm told I need to shelter 5 MORE people for 4 weeks because you just don't want to lose them, don't blame ME when the job goes 1600 manhours over.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:I'd expect the execution of the work, based on the job schedule, and the materials and the manpower to be hashed out of course. I sure as hell would never expect the owner, or the PM, or the estimator instructing the GF on exactly on how to hang a CT cabinet.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:Do you think the owners of those winning shops are arguing with GFs about how to properly secure a CT cabinet?
Do you think the aforementioned shops got to where they are because they micromanaged? Because they care about how a CT is hung? Did it ever occur to you that some shops don't grow not out of fear, but because the principle(s) just aren't that smart? Not good businessmen? Is that even a possibility in your mind? Not every electrician is capable of owning and operating a large business. In fact, many of them are completely incapable of even running a small business.
You are not paying for material, payroll, taxes or anything else for that matter, the customer and your labor is. Unless you're printing money that is... It's a shell game. They're your shells and it's your table, but the game is about balls and those aren't yours.
if you want to blame your failures on those above you, fine...that doesn't make you wrong, it just makes you typical.LawnGuyLandSparky said:If you want to blame all failures on a subordinate, fine. That doesn't make you wrong, it just makes you typical.
360Youth said:Good grief there is too much crying in these posts sometimes. Someone needs to lock this thread and let's move on. PM each other and let it be.
amazing electric said:Maybe hanging a ct can on four 1" led anchor is normal practice Is it?
emahler said:I forgot to add arrogant to presumptuous and point wasn't to micro point was if I bid the job planning on doing it a certain way to reach the desired result...i'm gonna tell you what I was not tell you, is a recipe for, if you know a better way to reach our objective, i'm all ears...but if you're way is 2 times longer and uses 50% more material than mine...who's fault is it? mine for giving you the reigns...or your's? don't read too much 'what if' into this question, that's not the's an all things being equal, how honest are you to yourself, question...i fully expect you to not answer this honestly, don't worry...
you are used to dealing with managers, not owners, who are out to save their own hide...they will throw you under a bus in a minute...most small contractors (under 50 guys) realize that the buck stops with them. At the end of the day, it's their responsibility to do it right...and their fault if someone did it wrong.
unless there is something specific in the spec's for that project...
heck, if you ever read any posts by me, you know I agree with this...most guys don't grow because they've never learned how...but do not discount the feelings of worry over growing and getting a GF sent out who doesn't give a rats ass whether his company succeeds or fails, because "Get over yourself, you're the Madame. Whether you exist or not the johns and the whores will still be there."
whether you want to acknowledge it or not, small contractors put everything they own on the line everyday in order to build their business...and while their failure means nothing to you because "Whether you exist or not the johns and the whores will still be there", they may lose their house, their savings, their kids college funds, etc...all because they put their business in the hands of a GF who thought...
because at the end of the day the EC is paying for all that...he's taking the risks to find the work, man the work, pay the payroll, get the material (on his credit)...etc...etc...etc...and hope that the guy he trusted to run the work doesn't screw him because he needs some OT to have spending money for his vacation next month..
your line of thinking could be brought to the next don't own your house, your boss does...heck, he writes your also don't own your car, or pay your electric bill or cable bill...i mean, if you lose your house, someone else will live in it and pay those's a preposterous presumption based on misinformation...
if you want to blame your failures on those above you, fine...that doesn't make you wrong, it just makes you typical.
360Youth said:Good grief there is too much crying in these posts sometimes. Someone needs to lock this thread and let's move on. PM each other and let it be.