How long you been in the trade?

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How long you been in the trade?

  • Less than 1

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2-5

    Votes: 14 4.8%
  • 5-10

    Votes: 48 16.3%
  • 10-20

    Votes: 71 24.1%
  • 20-30

    Votes: 67 22.8%
  • 30-40

    Votes: 67 22.8%
  • 40-50

    Votes: 17 5.8%
  • Over 50

    Votes: 6 2.0%
  • I forgot. What was the question again, sonny?

    Votes: 1 0.3%

  • Total voters
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Guess i've got seniority here ? That has its good points and bad points !
Father was a plumber and told me "your not gonna be a plumber" and then told me how easy the electricians had it on his jobs!!! Entered a three year vocational trade school(1957) and took ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION. Had a great teacher and mentor in my life. Upon graduation the construction industry was terrible and i joined the Navy to get my military obligation over with. Got talked into the nuclear submarine progam and signed for seven years-got about three years of schooling. Got out in 1968 and entered the IBEW apprentice program as a second year apprentice. Passed my journeymans test the same year and passed my masters two years later while i was a fourth year apprentice. Ran all kinds of jobs,large and small,until i started my own business in 1982. Retired 25 years later. Wouldn't change a thing if i had to do it again....
I started working out of my first tool pouch as an apprentice in the Spring of '68. That was the summer between my 2nd and 3rd years getting a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering.

Got my first Journeyman's license in '69 (tested on the '65 NEC), and my first Master's in '72.

But if you count the "arc" that was started with my 3rd Grade Christmas Gilbert Fun With Electricity set that Mom and Dad gave me, well, I've been at this for 53 years.

I guess that didn't work out the way you hoped. :D

Back on topic, I started in 2002.

not exactly:grin: but it sure was a fun party for a made it to at least 70 posts:cool: I know a couple of the mods were acting as if not to see it....just to see were it went???;)

Back on topic.....Pretty deep pool of influence from all sorts of ages!
Guess i've got seniority here ? That has its good points and bad points !
Father was a plumber and told me "your not gonna be a plumber" and then told me how easy the electricians had it on his jobs!!! Entered a three year vocational trade school(1957) and took ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION. Had a great teacher and mentor in my life. Upon graduation the construction industry was terrible and i joined the Navy to get my military obligation over with. Got talked into the nuclear submarine progam and signed for seven years-got about three years of schooling. Got out in 1968 and entered the IBEW apprentice program as a second year apprentice. Passed my journeymans test the same year and passed my masters two years later while i was a fourth year apprentice. Ran all kinds of jobs,large and small,until i started my own business in 1982. Retired 25 years later. Wouldn't change a thing if i had to do it again....

In 56 I ran a neighborhood radio repair shop. In 58 I bought my 1st Codebook (paperback), entered a 4 year electrical program. Worked for an electrical contractor after school in 61 (stockboy). Tried to join union but denied.

I too went into submarines (missle tech) until 70..been at it ever since.

Sure miss the smell of that 300W soldering iron on K & T.

Got to go...service call just came in!
Anyone remember solid TW in cardboard boxes?

Only been doing this for about 10 years. Never saw solid TW on a new install, and wouldn't know how they packaged it in the boxes, except was cleaning out a garage and a friend gave me the very same stuff. Anybody remember doing K&T on a new install?
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But if you count the "arc" that was started with my 3rd Grade Christmas Gilbert Fun With Electricity set that Mom and Dad gave me, well, I've been at this for 53 years.

I remember winding my own motor for the Erector Set Crane. That was in '75.

Got talked into the nuclear submarine progam

I too went into submarines (missle tech) until 70..been at it ever since.

I know zog was EMSC. I was a Nuke EM also. There is our next survey. How many among us were Navy trained?

My electrical career started with the Navy in 1986. So, 22 years...
Started my Appenticeship in 2000. Got my State Journeyman's in 2005. Got my master's in 2007, along with my Contractors license. So that put's me as a newbie here.
3 years or ... 44 years

3 years or ... 44 years

I went to trade school in 2005-06, got my WV journeyman's license 27-Mar-2006. Summer in construction. Started with board of education in Fall of 2006 as maintenance electrician and am still there.

--- OR ---

Was working on a science project (build a cyclotron) and was hanging wiremold in 1965. (500 thru 6000)

Between 1965 and 2005:

US Army Signal Corps
30+ years software engineer, architect, consultant ...

/s/ Jim WIlliams 8^))
I started when I was in High School. I was going to a High School 1/2 day and a Vocational School 1/2 day. I started working in the field in 1982.
So I will say I have 27 years in so far......
Very interesting how the bulk of us (about 2/3rds!) have 10-40 years in. I honestly figured it would be more spread out. Only one noob, and zero 1-2 year apprentices so far.
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