the cheater is of no concern, same hazard that already exists with all 2-wire and 1-15r's, etc.
the maker of the GFCI simply includes in the box two solid plastic barbed pins, so once inserted they cannot be removed, etc. its a very simple and effective solution.
wow, you are totally missing it.
1) not by same token, they make 1- receptacles, they do not make 1- GFCI's.
2) a plastic pin that is about same exact size of the EGC hole, is barbed so it cannot be removed, and the face of it sits flush with the face of the receptacle, etc.
3) using 5- to 1- cheater is outside NEC, and, since the user has 1-r now they are likely using cheaters already. have you ever seen folks file down the polarizer to fit into a 1-15r non-polarized ??? is that dangerous ???
4) blocking out the EGC on a 2-wire 5-r is safer than a 5-r that has missing EGC, etc.
5) from a code view, all new 5-r's must have EGC, if a 1-r is being replaced with whatever, that whatever should remain a 1-r.
you definitely a shoot-1st & ask Q's later type?
i attempted to stay within the existing threads, i was told to open my own thread. if thats an issue then take it to the MOD's
but if you think a non-EGC 5- is better then why does NEC require a silly sticker ?? in this context we are discussing installing a 5- GFCI on 2-wire (replacing std 1- for a 5- GFCI, etc)
Lets back up-
Explain exactly why only the current gfci 406 allowance is dangerous or should be altered....
What harm ultimately is done by gfci protecting some 5-15 recs on a 2w ckt in an old house, just in case someone happens to plug in a 3 prong plug.....
But before you respond, remember these facts:
*GFCI does not require an EGC to function
*The proposed 1-15 GFCI product can be very easily circumvented- there seems to be no reasonable need for this other than a need for posterity/just because type of rule.
*The NEC allows the 406 GFCI allowance and it has likely been studied to death by people that live and breath this stuff.
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