I have pix too........too

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don_resqcapt19 said:
I know that is what the code says, but why? That makes a violation of 300.20(A).
Slot the enclosure, using the provision of 300.20(B)(1). This is why you use Federal bushings, to take advantage of this. Federal busings are porcelain or Bakelite.

I still maintain that the posted pictures, while certainly neat, are a violation of 300.16(A).
Are the J-Boxes grounded (EGC)

Are the J-Boxes grounded (EGC)

It looks good. I done one similar to that here in Durham NC.
Be sure your J- Boxes on the sides are grounded. Also that romex in the bottom has to be hooked up. At least the ground and the neutral.
frizbeedog said:
What is that in the bottom of that panel? I Don't see that type of splice much.

Monkey Face fitting - the little porciline weather-head type fitting on the end of the flex.... Oh Frank already mentioned that..... But if you get a hold of them - keep them - very usefull little item.

Anyway Frank - Nice work! Just hoping you closed that KO on the right side? ;)
mdshunk said:
I still maintain that the posted pictures, while certainly neat, are a violation of 300.16(A).

How????? :confused:

As for slotting the box - in currents this low I hardly see it effective or for that matter necessary even though technically a code violation of 300.20B. In many years of doing just the same and seeing much older installations of the same method - I have never seen an issue with it once... Another (IMO unnecessary) improvement would be to make one wall of each of the boxes aluminum or some other non-ferrous material.
cadpoint said:
What's a loom ?

A component of old K&T wiring that surrounded the wire on entry into a box. Similar to the sheath on today's NM, only it went around a single wire.

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Interesting pictures. Nice work

Thats great stuff, thanks for the Art. I'm just spoiled with new construction.

Broke apart new LED exit sign today & noted a loom that was installed from a circuit through the circuit board to the outside LED of the charge/check button application.

I had to put it down till tommorrow cause it the first all metal one I ever came across. :roll:
480sparky said:
A component of old K&T wiring that surrounded the wire on entry into a box. Similar to the sheath on today's NM, only it went around a single wire.


Wait. That box is not slotted an the conductor's enter in separate knock outs. Hmmm......?:confused:
mdshunk said:
...and that makes it right, how?

Easy there cowboy. :smile: Just a funny observation.

However, if he had cut slots in the box, would that prohibit the use of the
cable clamps?
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