I love my job except for...

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1) Hoarders - these people have so much S----tuff lying everywhere that you are lucky if you touch to floor while walking around.

2) Animals - I don't mean ordinary pets - I love them. I mean rabbits, squirrels, GP's running loose in the house by the numbers.

3) Attics and Crawlspaces.

4) Rich people who got that way by being the cheapest humans on the planet.

Don't get me started.

1.5 hrs to process each payment from customers!

1.5 hrs to process each payment from customers!

jeff43222 said:
HOs acting as GCs despite having no clue about how to do anything

I have exactly the same problems. Exept for payments. I tell the customer that a service call fee applies for each payment by cheque or visa and that amount ($80.00 x usually 2 payments = 160.00) has already been included in the total price. A fact is that I waste aprox. 1.5 hrs to go to the bank, waite in line etc. all this during PRIME working hours. (the banks around here open at 10 am and by 4 are close.)
Anyone having any input about this problemc - please repply. Cheers - Manuel
satnad said:
I have exactly the same problems. Exept for payments. I tell the customer that a service call fee applies for each payment by cheque or visa and that amount ($80.00 x usually 2 payments = 160.00) has already been included in the total price. A fact is that I waste aprox. 1.5 hrs to go to the bank, waite in line etc. all this during PRIME working hours. (the banks around here open at 10 am and by 4 are close.)
Anyone having any input about this problemc - please repply. Cheers - Manuel
I don't have that problem. My bank is two blocks from my house and has hours that are convenient for me. The tellers all know me, so I don't have to screw around with showing ID and such, and I'm in and out in a couple of minutes. Total time to walk there, do business, and walk home is about 15 minutes. There's no way I could get away with a service charge for checks. I've never heard of anyone doing that around here, either.

Can't you just do a night deposit or something? Or find a bank close to home or the shop?
Agree with all of this, but for me ,THE WORST is doing work for my BOSSES freinds! I'd rather go out running around in a thunderstorm waveing a ground rod in the air!:D
JohnJ0906 said:
Agree with all of this, but for me ,THE WORST is doing work for my BOSSES freinds! I'd rather go out running around in a thunderstorm waveing a ground rod in the air!:D
Even worse than that,, the Bosses FAMILY !!
Bearing down with my channellocks, having them slip off, and finding out my finger was between the handles.
When I first turn on a new set of lights I know its coming...I know they are gonna say it... "Let there be light"... And I have to pretend to laugh.
Oakey said:
When I first turn on a new set of lights I know its coming...I know they are gonna say it... "Let there be light"... And I have to pretend to laugh.
I always beat them to the punch on that one:

(Dramatically) "And Jeff said ... 'Let there be light!'"
<flip switch>
Then I try to figure out why the lights don't work... :D
jeff43222 said:
I don't have that problem. My bank is two blocks from my house and has hours that are convenient for me. The tellers all know me, so I don't have to screw around with showing ID and such, and I'm in and out in a couple of minutes. Total time to walk there, do business, and walk home is about 15 minutes. There's no way I could get away with a service charge for checks. I've never heard of anyone doing that around here, either.

Can't you just do a night deposit or something? Or find a bank close to home or the shop?

I just use my ATM card. Make deposits any day any time. I hate using tellers, too slow.
I have got to say the things I hate about my job are:
Under cabinets lights that break your back everytime you put them in, plugmold that shorts out as soon as you turn it on, cheap a$$ cealing fans that the HO bought that won't balance, drilling into live wires then spending the rest of the day fixing it, using tools the shop sent out that should be thrown out!!, trying to finish up a job so you can go on vacation, HO's watching you work, fishing a wall that can't be fished!!, ........this is fun!

But I still love to do it day in and day out!!
After every note on the prints it says

" verify requirements with manafacturer, coordinate with other trades, verify

exact locations with owner before installation, comply with requirements

stated elsewhere in the documents "
...narrow attics, old aluminum wiring, bosses telling you to work faster, small companies that only pay $6 an hour and don't have much work.................

I really have to get working with a better company...
This one happens every autumn ...

Working in a leaf-strewn yard where the HO isn't very diligent about cleaning up after Fido. Then discovering there's no carpeting in the house where I can wipe off my boots. And finally, getting to scrub Fido doodoo out of all the treads on my boots.
HVAC and Plumber types that think they can relocate my wires at their whim. Also the same thugs that damage my wires and don't say anything. I did a house last year where the Tin Knocker cut my LV doorbell wire in a sheetrocked ceiling and simply tied the ends together in a knot!
except for: Homeowners who do their own work
Home Depot employees who tell homeowners how to do their own work

and did I mention, HOMEOWNERS WHO DO THEIR OWN WORK!!!!!
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