Inspector requiring kitchen counters (and cabinets) to be installed.

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If nothing is installed, is it enough of a kitchen to be certain that the receptacles, if they are just wall space receptacles and not for counters, should not have AFCI protection?
If 2014 NEC is in force, that room likely requires AFCI whether counters are installed or not, unless you can pass it off as unfinished basement, garage or outdoors, most everything else will be AFCI protected.
Building departments have to verify light fixtures for energy compliance, finish grade, even the contrast in color for the numbers you install on the building identifying the address.

In short it is finished at the point that the building department can determine compliance and release an occupancy permit.
True, and the EI may or may not be the one tasked with checking out energy compliance for such things. EI in the OP may not be the one that is to judge whether or not the missing counters deems the project unfinished, is really all I have been trying to get at through this thread. If some other building inspector can claim it is unfinished or if the EI has the authority to say it is unfinished based on non electrical items then I can agree that it possibly is just a waste of time for him to even attempt to finalize the electrical inspection.
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