The problem is that there are times when the code is not black and white. If it were, why would there be the allowance for the AHJ to have interpretive rights in 90.4?
I will grant that if my experiences with 'the human element' were different, I may have an entirely different take. It's just that, so far, I have been in agreement with the decisions.
Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention that I never saw a citation for any of the inspectors decisions as we always worked things out long before the ticket book comes out.
Now, that is not to say I would never argue with an inspector if I thought he was not only wrong, but unreasonable.
I have found that communication can go far in getting a compliant job done efficiently. I have never had an inspector complain for me calling him up and asking him questions.
I don't see any need for an inspection to be confrontational. In fact, since I like to show off my work, I actually look forward to walking through a site with the inspector.
All I have worked with have been electricians at one time and know what it's like to be on the other side of the fence. Maybe that is why I have had so few issues with them.