junction box in attic-inspector question

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just like looking for an open in a circuit and finally finding a device in an odd place? or behind a heavy piece of furniture?

or following a circuit in a mobile home looking for a short or open, receptacle in living room doesn't work, go the opposite direction from panel box, move some furniture in case there's a receptacle I can't see, finally find it behind water bed.

usually in an attic I can follow the romex below the insulation to a junction box.

And usually don't have to go back to junction box that I put in, just lucky I guess.

What I don't like is the panel box with extra spaces in a finished wall. How about an acess panel or empty conduit? But I don't expect the inspector to require this either.
Got to agree with you on this ,yes concealed is legal. But would you want to plow thru hundreds of square feet of insulation trying to find a junction box ? As an inspector i would want it flaged in some manner.

"Then go right ahead and flag it Mr inspector but sign off first so I can get the heck out of here and I'll let the homeowner know you'll be sticking around for a bit" :roll:
Got to agree with you on this ,yes concealed is legal. But would you want to plow thru hundreds of square feet of insulation trying to find a junction box ? As an inspector i would want it flaged in some manner.

Flag it for what? Is there a section of the "I Don't Like It" Electrical Code?

Yes, it would be a poor design and I would surely cuss at the idiot who did it that way if I had to spend a day rooting around in insulation in an attic to find it, but.................... it's still legal.
But would you want to plow thru hundreds of square feet of insulation trying to find a junction box ?
Never look forward to it but it is just one of the things we have to do. Boxes can be tough to find even if they are not covered up.
As an inspector i would want it flagged in some manner.
That would be great, but I have yet to find them nicely flagged. I have never flagged the ones I put in either (guilty as charged).
Take a look at 314.29??. so that the wiring contained in them can be rendered accessible without removing any part of the building?.
Seeing that the insulation in the attic is required by the building code would the insulation be part of the building?
In my opinion the insulation is part of the building therefore the box would be in violation if below the insulation.
Would the insulation really have to be removed?? disturbed yes ,.removed? I've found more than one without removing the insulation .
Would the insulation really have to be removed?? disturbed yes ,.removed? I've found more than one without removing the insulation .

Let me think about this for a minute????

The box is under 12 inches of insulation. Do I have to remove the insulation from over the top of the box to access the box?
Maybe I can just push it back just a little, is that removing the insulation? Yes I removed that part of the insulation that was over the box and deposited it in another area.

Sorry I still see this as a violation and would turn it down.
This is so easy I don?t understand why everyone don?t see it.
If the insulation is over the opening of the box and I shove it around to make an opening then I must have moved the insulation from its original position to another spot or in other words I removed the insulation from over the box something that 314.29 says I shouldn?t have to do.
This is so easy I don?t understand why everyone don?t see it.
If the insulation is over the opening of the box and I shove it around to make an opening then I must have moved the insulation from its original position to another spot or in other words I removed the insulation from over the box something that 314.29 says I shouldn?t have to do.

Verb: Take away (something unwanted or unnecessary) from the position it occupies.
Take a look at 314.29…….so that the wiring contained in them can be rendered accessible without removing any part of the building….
Seeing that the insulation in the attic is required by the building code would the insulation be part of the building?
In my opinion the insulation is part of the building therefore the box would be in violation if below the insulation.

So the NEC, which is part of the building codes, requires covers on my switches and outlets. Now I have a violation, right? WHat about the cover on the panel, which is also required?
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This is so easy I don?t understand why everyone don?t see it.
If the insulation is over the opening of the box and I shove it around to make an opening then I must have moved the insulation from its original position to another spot or in other words I removed the insulation from over the box something that 314.29 says I shouldn?t have to do.
No more boxes behind doors! :grin:
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