Senior Member
- Location
- Newport County, Rhode Island, USA

]Make no mistake, POCO's are for the most part not at all interested in your setting yourself up to make money
And not only that, but in many places where it's legal to export to the utility from PV, it's still illegal to do so from batteries.
Well. sure...buying low from POCO, putting it into batteries and selling it higher is nothing but a scam.
Not even a good one! Bad for the grid and the environment, and just plain silly if you're trying personally to make $$! (however, POCOs are *required* to ACCquire RECs federally aren't they?)
If you owned a marine battery recycling center and could get AGMs with 6 months or so left in them for $5 or $20 or whatever the turn-in $ is, and didn't mind changing batteries every 6 months...
Still kinda silly! But if those would last a year... :roll:
However, they *are* going to recycle electric car banks by using them in houses (different config.) after they're no good for cars anymore. Which is where the silly idea came from I suppose.
But. How exactly is it "illegal"? Do you mean "not allowed by POCO" or literally against the law?
Say you've got a line-side connection for PV and the BESS is on the load side of the MDP...isn't that "separately derived", and doesn't that imply...sort of a grey area?
If there's already a PV system in place, and a BESS is added load side, off grid...what's the "process" for informing the POCO? Pretty much...none, right?
The thing is, what's the POCO process for grid connected BESS, load side, with PV already there?
I've read my POCO's and state docs 12 times each- don't recall a single word about it.
Is it illegal where you are? Just wondering which place you meant with the illegal to export from BESS thing.
Really wondering why, but not asking you to answer that part!
Look at it this way- on a very simple level, exporting at night is good for the POCO (as long as they aren't getting ripped off), if you take into account the fact that their xfmr wouldn't be sitting there wasting energy because it is idle. THEIR energy!
Then multiply that loss by 1,000 (a neighborhood)...or 1,000,000 (my entire state)...
So, keeping it simple/idealistic- the POCO would avoid the "vampire xfmrs factor" (I just made that up...) and the user could export a few kWh at night as an additional incentive for having put in the big enough/fancy enough BESS to actually do that.