Let's Twist Again - Photos

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never had a need to buy the fancy fiberglass ones when the cheap plastic ones are there.
Same here. I've broken many tan boxes with a poorly-aimed swing of the hammer, but the blues are resilient.

Plus, the multi-gang blue boxes can be straightened and aligned with a few taps of the hammer on the nails.
Blue boxes are inexpensive, lightweight and most importantly non conductive, therefore, superior!

You use wire that has plastic insulation and it's wrapped in a plastic sheath. Why would you want to put it into a metal enclosure? They have the fire rating so what's the problem? Is it one of those "I've always done it this way" things?

Only a hack would install NM in a metal box :grin:

PS. They also now make/sell power tools without cords!!

Try this one time for me. Next time you are making up wires, simply line them up evenly, all the same length, hold them together tightly and start the wingnut. Once it takes a good bite aftera couple of twists, keep going until the wires start twisting around themselves and you can't get it nmuch tighter. Then unscrew the nut and look at the ends. They will be twisted almost as tight as they would be if you used sidecutters.

This goes to show that everyone is different. I despise plastic boxes, maybe because I am not used to using them.
When I have tryed, a wire nut will not twist 3 #12's solids as tight as the would be if twisted first.
I'll agree with that. The wirenut alone cannot twist the wires as much as the use of pliers can. The discussion here, though, is whether that alone makes a real-world difference.

Sometimes, I twist, and sometimes, I don't. for example, I won't bother with a pair of 14's, but I probably would with three or more #12's. Either way, the connection stays cool.

Bottom line, it's certainly acceptacle to pre-twist if you prefer doing so.
If he used a 3M tan/red I dont think this would have happened. Those Ideal wirenuts suck bigtime. You can crankem down hard as you want and they will loosen up as you pack them into the box. I've never had a 3M do that.
Oh no....you're not one of those guys that uses those awful Allied boxes that crack and the thread holes strip out? ;)
Or worse, hang a ceiling fan from a round one. :cool:

Yep, and it fell one the owner's daughter. :mad:

An uncle did them a favor. :roll:
If he used a 3M tan/red I dont think this would have happened. Those Ideal wirenuts suck bigtime. You can crankem down hard as you want and they will loosen up as you pack them into the box. I've never had a 3M do that.

The problem in the OP has nothing to do with the wire connector and everything to do with faulty installation. And those don't look like Ideal wing nuts - they look like GB wing nuts. The Ideal wing nuts don't have the angled wings like the GB's do.
The problem in the OP has nothing to do with the wire connector and everything to do with faulty installation. And those don't look like Ideal wing nuts - they look like GB wing nuts. The Ideal wing nuts don't have the angled wings like the GB's do.

Ok - I'm wrong with the wirenut brand. But those wires look kinda twisted to me... :roll:
That's because you're a small giant, Larry. :D
Look up when you say that!!


As should be obvious by now, I must challenge that statement. I haven't heard a real reason blue = hack yet.

A lousy chef can ruin a great filet mignon, and a great chef can do wonders with a lowly hamburger patty.

I'll take the creation of an artist with chalk and crayons over that of an ape with oils and acrylics any day.

I completly agree.
I'm just saying that I don't think the kind of wirenut has anything to do with this failure. It was definitely loose enough to cause arcing.

And what I am implying as a possibility (I wasn't there of course) Is that the wirenut may have been tightened fairly sufficiantly? enough and possibly sustained vibration of some sort or was loosened partially while stuffing the box.

I am not a fan of the GB's either. That probly shows...:cool:
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