I agree and if the AHJ has made a formal amendment to define a distance or how to measure it I can go with that. In the location I mentioned above where the inspectors would call out the offender that caused the violation the AHJ also defined 230.70(A)(1) as twice the height of the service gear, meaning if the gear was 6' tall they allowed 12' of unfused service entrance conductors in the room.I'm just saying that in deciding what is "near", the AHJ may reasonably use a distance measure based on a person reaching for the switch. In which case a switch behind a door is "farther" away from the entrance than if the door swing were reversed.
On the other hand, it is reasonable to argue that the text is 230.70(A)(1) is unenforceable as the term "near" is vague, as per your reference to the NEC Style Manual.
Cheers, Wayne
(I have no idea where that came from though)
The problem with the OP's handling of the situation without a formal AHJ amendment is a problem.