Mc bond wire

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j rae

Senior Member
Has any body got mc hospital grade with a #12 alum. Bond wire? Very hard to twist around the jacket.
You don't have to do anything with it, just cut it off.

Sounds like you are using the new MCAP cable from Southwire.

I agree with Roger, just cut off the bond wire, there is no need to backwrap it.

Mc bond wire

Do you need to wrap the bond wire in mc around the jacket. This new mc i got has a #12 al. Wire makeing very hard to get in the connector. If so what code artical covers this?
Do you need to wrap the bond wire in mc around the jacket. This new mc i got has a #12 al. Wire makeing very hard to get in the connector. If so what code artical covers this?

110.3(B) requires you to install listed equipment in accordance with the listing instructions.

If you are using Southwires HCF MCap cable, then according to Southwires installation instructions you just cut the bond strip off where it emerges from the metal jacket. There is no need to backwrap or terminate the bond wire.

HERE is a link to Southwire and their Mcap cable.

I agree with the others and just want to add there is no requirement to back wrap the bonding wire on AC cable either.
We were (last week) installing the bare conductor through to the ground screw and back out and wrapping the MC. The insulated ground was then dedicated to the receptacle. We were corrected this morning to cut-off the bare conductor at the end of the cable, and utilize the insualted ground to the ground screw and the outlet itself. This agrees with what you guys are saying, but it seems like we aren't satisfying 517 that indicates the isolated ground needs to be directly back to the grounding bar....
We were (last week) installing the bare conductor through to the ground screw and back out and wrapping the MC. The insulated ground was then dedicated to the receptacle. We were corrected this morning to cut-off the bare conductor at the end of the cable, and utilize the insualted ground to the ground screw and the outlet itself. This agrees with what you guys are saying, but it seems like we aren't satisfying 517 that indicates the isolated ground needs to be directly back to the grounding bar....

I think this is a redundant ground not an isolated ground.
This agrees with what you guys are saying, but it seems like we aren't satisfying 517 that indicates the isolated ground needs to be directly back to the grounding bar....

What part of 517 are you refering to?

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