mc in plastic boxes

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mc in plastic boxes

Lets try to think of this in a different way.[and in reality this only seems similar]
An example of wiring method transition going from metallic system to non-metallic-with the box used for the transition being PVC-
The bane of our existence-
That would be a pool box set-up;----Brass pipe from the fixture to an approved PVC pool box--method changes from that point on--Installation must be followed precisely with correct connectors,box conductors used to complete the correct transition.
How does this relate to our current discussion you ask?
Survey says!---
You may make a transition from MC to NM[i.e.RX] using a plastic junction box if all the following are met--a]the cable manufacturer[for instance southwire]says they approve the use of their cable in such an installation if all listed requirements are met"
b]The manufacturer of the MC connector says they allow the use of their connector "if all their requirements for such an installation are met"
c]The manufacturer of the PVC box says ...,etc,etc,etc.

My problem with this discussion is that while it may be possible -it would be difficult to achieve code wise and is of limited application .The time and labor involved would outweigh the "paper" savings.
As an elec in a job where you might for some reason try this you'd be trusting these transitions to a helper-means you'd have to be on top of them evry second-to be sure they transition at the correct point,use the correct box,remember to bond that box as required..,etc..
To the electrician,the lead mechanic,the journeyman,etc this is not overwhelming-but in the real world application is it the way you want to go-
In addition I believe the only boxes avalable that possibly facilitate such a transition would be the large junction boxes such as those shown earlier in the thread-I would say they're design would only allow them to be used somehow in an accessible situation such as -Oh maybe a dropped cieling-which is currently where they might be needed for those who felt a need to have two different wiring methods in say a "stripmall store "with a dropped cieling--
Unfortunately even the suggestion of boxes that accomadate mc to nm transitions -well I get chills because this is what I come accross -except its installed in single gang plastic nail -ons!
MC pushed into 1 knockout onthe top and RX into the other knockout on the top.

Sometimes I just think I'm gonna' lose my mind@#$%^.
if you look at certain Carlon plastic boxes, such as B232A, there is a 1/2" KO in the back and stamped right next to it reads something along the lines of "a bonding bushing is required for..." forget exactly what it says.
What kind of connector would you use with this box?


That is a box designed for use with ENT. Here's a larger pic, look at the writing in the box...


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