mc in plastic boxes
Lets try to think of this in a different way.[and in reality this only seems similar]
An example of wiring method transition going from metallic system to non-metallic-with the box used for the transition being PVC-
The bane of our existence-
That would be a pool box set-up;----Brass pipe from the fixture to an approved PVC pool box--method changes from that point on--Installation must be followed precisely with correct connectors,box conductors used to complete the correct transition.
How does this relate to our current discussion you ask?
Survey says!---
You may make a transition from MC to NM[i.e.RX] using a plastic junction box if all the following are met--a]the cable manufacturer[for instance southwire]says they approve the use of their cable in such an installation if all listed requirements are met"
b]The manufacturer of the MC connector says they allow the use of their connector "if all their requirements for such an installation are met"
c]The manufacturer of the PVC box says ...,etc,etc,etc.
My problem with this discussion is that while it may be possible -it would be difficult to achieve code wise and is of limited application .The time and labor involved would outweigh the "paper" savings.
As an elec in a job where you might for some reason try this you'd be trusting these transitions to a helper-means you'd have to be on top of them evry second-to be sure they transition at the correct point,use the correct box,remember to bond that box as required..,etc..
To the electrician,the lead mechanic,the journeyman,etc this is not overwhelming-but in the real world application is it the way you want to go-
In addition I believe the only boxes avalable that possibly facilitate such a transition would be the large junction boxes such as those shown earlier in the thread-I would say they're design would only allow them to be used somehow in an accessible situation such as -Oh maybe a dropped cieling-which is currently where they might be needed for those who felt a need to have two different wiring methods in say a "stripmall store "with a dropped cieling--
Unfortunately even the suggestion of boxes that accomadate mc to nm transitions -well I get chills because this is what I come accross -except its installed in single gang plastic nail -ons!
MC pushed into 1 knockout onthe top and RX into the other knockout on the top.
Sometimes I just think I'm gonna' lose my mind@#$%^.