Meter ring tool

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Senior Member
Our POCO`s amaze me.I called one and told them the trans had fallen into a sink hole and had latterals exposed and it took the a month to come out to check it and another month to fix the situation.But I had to hotcheck a home that was closing and the t pole was to far away to energize the home so i used the bypass on the 320/400 meter base.The POCO showed up and the guy went ballistic when he saw the bypass used.He called the sheriff and almost had me arrested for theft of service.Since then I call the POCO and schedule a meet with them to deenergize and reenergize.Makes customers unhappy but they aren`t going to be the ones to bail me out:)
In Texas things got deregulated & F-up in the process. What I used to do in one call now takes legislation to have done. I used to be able to call for disconnect or reconnects. Now only the Homeowner can do it, as the POCO asks for SS#'s DL#'s mothers madien name, name of your first pet, etc.
For example last week Mast changeout, scheduled disconnect, inspection, had customer call too. It still took the POCO 2 days to restore power to customer.
I would have temp'd it in but the insulation was so rotten on the drop & the neutral was, seriously thread thin in places I wouldn't touch it.
She was PO'd! and it all makes me look bad, So from now on all POCO jobs cost another $500 flat POCO fee.
Ebay Meter ring bidding war

Ebay Meter ring bidding war

As of 9/16/06 the bidding amount for the meter ring tool on ebay is a whopping $810.

Any good machinst could make one for perhaps under a $100.


meter lock tool

meter lock tool

In NJ this tool is restricted to utility employees only. Getting the public utility to unlock the ring in a timly manor is next to impossible. (Police and fire personel requesting a dissconnect being the only exception). Quite often I have been instructed by utility employee's to cut the ring off. This is easy if you have a pair of vice grips and a sawzall (with 2 metal cutting blades). Just grab the barrell with the vice grips and cut along the diameter of the lock closest to the ring. You'll need 2 blades (hardened steel barrell). It takes about 5 minutes. Again Get permission first


Senior Member
Right here.
Consequently, lots of guys bidding on those EJ Brooks barrel keys on eBay are getting duped. There is the "red handle" tool, used mostly by cable and water. There is the "blue handle" tool, used almost only on kilowatt hour meters. I've seen the red tool promoted as an electric meter tool many times.
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