I have no problems getting out the cordless drill.
My question is: What is the advantage to using these products.... how does the installation of them increase the safety of the overall system?
To me, all the connections that the fitting has simply increases it's resistance. The connection between it and the GEC. The connection (or connections) from there to the body of the fitting. Now it needs a connection to the tub....which involves removing paint in most cases. Then you've got the connection between the tub and the bonding screw. Maybe there's a strap between the screw and the neutral/ground bar. And finally, you make it to the neutral/ground bar.
If the GEC is already firmly terminated in the neutral/ground bar, what practical purpose do these fittings serve, then? Trying to get a ground fault to follow such a circuitous route can't work, IMPO.
And if you install an insulated GEC, all these things do is look pretty.