Nj exam prep

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They will send you a letter which can be shown to obtain a permit, untill they get you the stamper, I can't remember how long that took., I know it took a long time to get the offical business permit as they were changing printers.
They will send you a letter which can be shown to obtain a permit, untill they get you the stamper, I can't remember how long that took., I know it took a long time to get the offical business permit as they were changing printers.

Yea, just got my temporary business permit letter today; thanks for the info...
I still haven't gotten anything. But I'm not waiting for the actual license, I am waiting for confirmation to take the test on April 6th so that I can get my license.
I still haven't gotten anything. But I'm not waiting for the actual license, I am waiting for confirmation to take the test on April 6th so that I can get my license.

Oh, I thought you were waiting for your license to show-up. As far as the exam goes- you probably won't get a confirmation until about a month before the exam date. They are not in any hurry.
Good luck! ;)
Oh, I thought you were waiting for your license to show-up. As far as the exam goes- you probably won't get a confirmation until about a month before the exam date. They are not in any hurry.
Good luck! ;)

I called and spoke to Trudy today and all she told me was February 4th would be the next minutes meeting. She said if I haven't gotten anything from them yet that the application hasn't been reviewed yet. She also said first come first serve. Is there really that many electricians waiting to take the test? Seems a little strange to me. Thanks for the additional info and good luck with your new license.
She also said first come first serve. Is there really that many electricians waiting to take the test?

As of 7/2008...license numbers were at about 16300....
15 years earlier it was at 12500 ....
about 3800 in those 15 years....
about 250/year...
about 21/mth...
which happens to coincide with the number approved to sit in 7/2008 ~ 21.

In 6/2008 ~ 3 applicants were approved
In 4/2008 ~ 30 applicants were approved
In 3/2008 ~ 20
In 2/2008 ~ 17
In 1/2008 ~ 41

In these 5 months, 111 were approved...or about 22/mth.

Why wouldn't a person want to become an EC?
In 5 years a person *could* have unlimited earning potential.
I went to Newark in person yesterday just to submit my recently acquired certificate of completion from a vocational school and it's a good thing I did. I had a slight problem with one of the WEC's where my current employer signed off on it in March of 08 but I needed the time up until December so he had to do the whole thing over, including the seal, sign and dated. I brought the update back to Newark and now I'm all set. The lady down there said that if the paperwork gets the ok from her that 99% of the time the board will approve it. I am psyched. She also said it is likely that I'll sit in for the 4.6.09 exam. Whhoooo hooo.
NJ License Renewal

NJ License Renewal

My license is up for renewal 3/09. I took test 6/07 and was licensed 10/07. Can I use any CEU's from 2006-2009 for the required 34 hours for renewal? I did take the required 10 hr. code update class last year.
My license is up for renewal 3/09. I took test 6/07 and was licensed 10/07. Can I use any CEU's from 2006-2009 for the required 34 hours for renewal? I did take the required 10 hr. code update class last year.

Celtic will be along with the truth and the backup evidence, but if I remember correctly, you don't need the extra 24 hrs until your 2nd triannual period...but, i wouldn't stake my livelihood on my information...
My license is up for renewal 3/09. I took test 6/07 and was licensed 10/07. Can I use any CEU's from 2006-2009 for the required 34 hours for renewal? I did take the required 10 hr. code update class last year.

Do the certificates you were issued say:
Required CE for 2009 Renewal

If not, they probably do not count towards the CEU requirement of 34 hours.

If in doubt: Call the Board.
The cert. from the 10 hr. class does say this.

My license is up for renewal 3/09. I took test 6/07 and was licensed 10/07. Can I use any CEU's from 2006-2009 for the required 34 hours for renewal?

Do any of the remaining 24 have that language?

IMHO, it is a grey area if the CEU's are required.
At some point, there has to be a cut off date ~ I can see a guy sitting for the '05, passing, then the following week trying to jam 34 CEU into his already over burdened week.

Again, I would contact the Board: (973) 504-6410 ...if that info is not on the documents.
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